Hoe gaat de ISO 9000-norm om met ‘continu verbeteren’?
In paragraaf 8.5.1 - Planning voor continue verbetering - van de ISO 9000 norm wordt beschreven dat een organisatie de doeltreffendheid van een kwaliteitsmanagement continue dient te verbeteren.
Wij volgen de Engelse tekst: 'The organization shall plan and manage the processes necessary for the continual improvement of the quality management system. The organization shall facilitate the continual improvement of the quality management sys-tem through the use of the quality policy, objectives, audit results, analysis of data, correcti-ve and preventive action and management.'
Wij volgen de Engelse tekst: 'The organization shall plan and manage the processes necessary for the continual improvement of the quality management system. The organization shall facilitate the continual improvement of the quality management sys-tem through the use of the quality policy, objectives, audit results, analysis of data, correcti-ve and preventive action and management.'
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