Which manager will succeed in these times of change?

We are all familiar with the cliché: change is the only constant in life. Yet in practice it is a lot more difficult to turn things upside down, certainly within organizations. Let's start with some figures and background information. Surprisingly, it appears that no less than 70% of all change processes fail. Yes, you read that correctly: seven out of ten well-intentioned attempts to do things differently fail somewhere along the way. Not exactly an encouraging start, but fortunately there is also good news. The 30% that do succeed show us that successful change is certainly possible. How? You can read about it here.

These statistics did not just appear out of thin air; they are based on countless studies by experts such as McKinsey and change management guru John Kotter. What they discovered is that many of these failed changes run aground at the same sticking points. Poor communication, inadequate leadership, resistance from employees and a lack of resources are all pitfalls that keep rearing their heads.

But what if we were to turn that around? What if we recognized these problems and tackled them before they derailed a change? That is where success begins. And no, that does not mean that everything will go smoothly, but it does increase the chance of success.

Why do changes so often go wrong?

The answer to that question is actually quite simple: people don't like change. Change is scary. Unsafe. It takes you out of your routine and creates uncertainty. And in organizations, where processes and habits are often already ingrained, that feeling is only reinforced. Yet the problem is not always in the change itself, but in the way it is introduced.

Here are a few common reasons why change processes often fail:

  1. Lack of a clear vision – Without a clear goal in mind, people do not know why they should do something differently. A vision provides direction and motivation.
  2. Resistance from employees – People are creatures of habit and become stressed when they have to change their familiar way of working.
  3. Lack of leadership – If the top is not visible and involved, employees quickly lose faith in the change.
  4. Poor communication – Bad or unclear communication causes noise, misunderstandings and often resistance.
  5. Too few resources – Without the right support or time, people get frustrated and you lose momentum.
  6. The culture is forgotten – Every organization has a certain culture. If the change does not fit in with that, it will not stick.
  7. No small successes along the way – People want to see something change quickly. If those 'quick wins' do not materialize, motivation will drop.
  8. Wrong pace – Too fast causes chaos, too slow leads to a loss of focus and energy.
  9. Not properly anchored in the organization – If the new method is not incorporated into the systems and processes, people will quickly fall back into their old behavior.
  10. No evaluation or adjustment – Without learning from what works and what does not, the same mistakes will keep repeating themselves.

So, how do you make change successful?

Change is exciting, but if you approach it the right way, it can also be incredibly powerful. How do you ensure that you are part of the 30% of successful change processes? Here are five tips to help you get started:

  • Formulate a clear vision – Know where you want to go and tell everyone that story.
  • Involve employees at an early stage – Let them contribute ideas and participate from the start.
  • Create quick successes – Celebrate every small victory.
  • Invest in training – Give people the tools to grow in the new situation.
  • Embed change in the culture – Make it an integral part of how you work.

With this approach, change becomes not only feasible, but also inspiring. It requires leadership, communication and a good dose of perseverance, but the rewards are great. So, what change are you going to implement?

Bert Overbeek has been a trainer, team builder, speaker and coach for 30 years. The list of organizations he works for is impressive. He is a specialist in change management, team building (group dynamics) and personal leadership. He also provides support for change processes that have stalled. (Website: https://www.bertoverbeek-pitchersupport.org/)

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