Git Fundamentals
Startel (Drachten)
di 11 feb. 2025
en 7 andere data
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De training Git Fundamentals biedt een uitgebreide inleiding op versiebeheer en samenwerking met Git en GitHub. Het is de perfecte keuze voor iedereen die de basis van Git en GitHub wil leren en zich verder wil verdiepen in het effectief samenwerken binnen softwareontwikkelingsprojecten. Je leert waarom Git het dominante versiebeheersysteem is, hoe Git zich van andere versiebeheersystemen onderscheidt en hoe Git en GitHub effectief ingezet kunnen worden in zowel persoonlijke als teamprojecten.
Tijdens de training Git Fundamentals komen de belangrijkste principes van Git en GitHub aan bod, zoals repositories, commits, branches en merges. Je leert hoe jij een lokale Git-omgeving op kunt zetten en configureren, evenals het gebruiken van commando’s, zoals git init, git add, git commit en git status. Daarnaast krijg je inzicht in het efficiënt beheren van branches en het gebruik van pull requests en code reviews om teamprocessen te stroomlijnen. Ook wordt er speciale aandacht besteed aan het oplossen van samenvoegconflicten via de command-line interface (CLI) en Git GUI-hulpmiddelen.
Op de tweede dag van de training Git Fundamentals krijg je een verdieping in de mogelijkheden van Git, waarbij alle commando’s uit de Git-cheatsheet aan bod komen. Daarnaast wordt er aandacht besteed aan Continuous Integration en Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)-processen, waarmee je een volledig overzicht krijgt van de kracht van Git en GitHub binnen hedendaagse methoden op het gebied van softwareontwikkeling. Na afloop van de training Git Fundamentals beschik je over de kennis en vaardigheden om een Git-omgeving op te zetten, branches te beheren en effectief samen te werken aan projecten via Git en GitHub.
De training Git Fundamentals is met name geschikt voor softwareontwikkelaars die samen willen leren werken met andere softwareontwikkelaars binnen Git en GitHub.
De training Git Fundamentals biedt een grondige verkenning van Git en GitHub, van de basisprincipes tot de geavanceerde functies. Je zult worden uitgerust met de benodigde kennis en vaardigheden om Git en GitHub effectief te gebruiken binnen diverse werkomgevingen.
Door de training Git Fundamentals te volgen, zul je de volgende kennis en vaardigheden verkrijgen:
Het toepassen van jouw kennis van versiebeheer met Git en GitHub in softwareontwikkeling.
Het opzetten en beheren van een lokale Git-omgeving via een command-line omgeving (CLI).
Inzicht in Git-principes, zoals repositories, commits, branches en merges.
Het toepassen van Git en GitHub in zowel persoonlijke als teamprojecten.
Effectief werken met branches, zoals de main branch en feature branches.
Schakelen tussen branches en beheren van verouderde branches.
Samenwerken met pull requests en code reviews.
Het beheersen van versiebeheer met commando’s, zoals git pull, git fetch en git rebase.
Omgaan met samenvoegstrategieën en samenvoegconflicten.
Integreren van Git met GitHub.
Het toepassen van beste werkwijzen als frequente commits en betekenisvolle commit messages.
Branches structureren voor verschillende werkstromen.
Basis Git-commando’s gebruiken, zoals git init, git add, git commit en git status.
Werken aan een gezamenlijk project binnen Git en GitHub.
Je hebt geen specifieke voorkennis nodig om deel te mogen nemen aan de training Git Fundamentals. Echter zou ervaring in het werken binnen een command-line omgeving (CLI) goed van pas kunnen komen.
De basisprincipes van Git
Repositories (Lokaal en Remote).
Staging Area en Commits.
Branching en Merging.
Merge Conflicten Oplossen.
Git Tags.
Git Stash.
Wijzigingen Ongedaan Maken (Revert, Reset, Checkout).
Git Log en Diff.
Werken met Remotes (Push, Pull, Fetch).
Forking en Pull Requests.
Git Hooks.
Git Workflows (Feature Branch, Gitflow).
Git Aliassen.
Versietagging en Releases.
Git commando's
git init.
git clone.
git add.
git commit.
git status.
git log.
git diff.
git branch.
git checkout.
git switch.
git merge.
git rebase.
git fetch.
git pull.
git push.
git remote.
git tag.
git stash.
git reset.
git revert.
git rm.
git mv.
git show.
git blame.
git cherry-pick.
git reflog.
git bisect.
git clean.
git submodule.
git config.
git archive.
git describe.
git shortlog.
git format-patch.
git apply.
git am.
git commit --amend.
git log --oneline.
git log --graph.
git log --pretty.
git checkout -b.
git stash pop.
git stash list.
ITIL® 4 Specialist Create, Deliver & Support Self-Study Package
Algemene omschrijving
This e-learning contains the course materials and a practice exam.
This e-learning is part of the ITIL® 4 Managing Professional (MP) designation. It focuses on integrating value streams and activities to create, deliver, and support IT-enabled products and services, emphasizing service performance and improvement methods.
The ITIL® Specialist Create, Deliver and Support training is designed for ITSM professionals involved in managing the operational processes of IT-supported and digital products and services, as well as those responsible for their end-to-end delivery.
By completing this e-learning, you will gain the following knowledge and skills:
Service design and orchestration.
Software development and management.
Deployment and release management.
Service validation, testing, and change enablement.
Stakeholder satisfaction, incident, problem, and knowledge management.
Service level and event management.
Exam Information:
Duration: 90 minutes.
Format: Multiple-choice.
Pass Mark: 70%.
Prior to going through this e-learning, you must have obtained the ITIL® 4 Foundation certificate.
Module 1: Introduction to ITIL® 4 Create Deliver Support.
Module 2: Organisation Concepts for Creating, Delivering, and Supporting.
Module 3: Value Streams to Create, Deliver, and Support Services.
Module 4: Creating, Delivering, and Supporting Services.
Module 5: Using Information and Technology.
Module 6: Practice Exam.
Service Automation Foundation Self-Study Package
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This e-learning contains the course materials.
Service Automation – the concept of delivering services through smart technology – is a rapidly growing area of interest for most organizations. Companies such as Spotify, Netflix and Uber (who deliver 100% automated services) have proven that organizations can achieve rapid growth and gain a competitive advantage by relying on Service Automation.
The core objective of the Service Automation Foundation e-learning is to learn how to transition analog (or manual) steps of service delivery process into automated steps. By making this transition, service providers are able to deliver their services instantly, cost-effectively and to a potentially bigger market. Taking the steps towards the delivery of automated services is however not straightforward.
Many organizations struggle with the question of where to start or which services to automate. The Service Automation Framework was developed to provide an answer to this question. This Service Automation e-learning will give you deep insight into the concept of Service Automation, the concept by which you can automate your service offering. If you adequately apply Service Automation in your organization, you will see both employee and customer satisfaction rise and significantly increase the number of people who will ‘like’ your company.
The training is intended for anyone who has ever felt that the service level within their organization could be improved and is seeking guidance to achieve this goal.
By completing this e-learning, you will gain the following knowledge and skills:
Understand the business drivers of technology-enabled automated services in order to explain the business case for Service Automation.
The Service Automation Framework enables the practice of an industry that enables their autonomous users to procure, manage and adjust services through self-service technology.
Explain the difference and synergy between the Users, Service Design and Technology design elements that contribute to meet and exceed the expectations of user in order to create long-lasting value.
Outline the steps for completing a Service Automation Blueprint in order to visualize services in order to design and delivery automated services.
Exam Information:
Questions: 40 questions.
Duration: 40 minutes.
Pass Mark: 50% (20 marks).
Closed book.
You do not need any prior knowledge to access this e-learning.
Module 1: Introduction to SAF.
Module 2: The User.
Module 3: Service Design.
Module 4: Self Service Interface.
Module 5: Automated Deployment.
Module 6: Service Delivery Automation.
Module 7: Serendipity.
Module 8: Trial Exam.
Module 9: Certification.
Module 10: Knowledge Evaluation.
COBIT® 2019 Foundation Self-Study Package
Algemene omschrijving
This e-learning contains the course materials.
The COBIT® 2019 Foundation e-learning equips you with the skills to design and implement an effective enterprise IT governance system.
COBIT® 2019 provides a framework to align IT governance with major standards, frameworks, and regulations, making it highly relevant to modern enterprises. It aids in decision-making and helps create a more agile governance system by offering the latest insights in Enterprise Governance of Information & Technology (EGIT).
IT Managers
Supervise the implementation of IT governance frameworks and ensure alignment with business objectives.
Business Executives
Grasp the strategic importance of IT governance and its impact on overall business performance.
Obtain insights into governance and control frameworks to effectively audit IT processes.
Security Specialists
Apply COBIT® guidelines to strengthen information security within the organization.
Project Managers
Lead IT projects with a focus on governance and risk management.
Compliance Officers
Ensure that IT processes adhere to relevant regulations and standards.
IT Consultants
Offer expert advice on implementing and optimizing COBIT® frameworks for clients.
Risk Managers
Identify and mitigate IT-related risks using COBIT® principles.
By completing this e-learning, you will gain the following knowledge and skills:
Align IT goals with strategic business objectives using flexible governance tools.
Understand the value derived from IT, necessary resources, and potential risks in fostering a mature business-IT relationship.
Learn about various IT governance frameworks (e.g., ITIL®, NIST), their benefits, and functionalities.
Exam Information:
Format: Online, closed-book, remotely proctored.
Domains: Eight, with a total of 75 questions weighted according to domain importance.
Duration: 120 minutes.
Passing Score: 65%.
Credits: 2 CPE credits for ISACA certification holders.
You do not need any prior knowledge to access this e-learning.
Module 1: COBIT® 2019 Framework.
Module 2: Core Model, Governance System and Components.
Module 3: Governance and Management Objectives.
Module 4: Performance Management in COBIT® 2019.
Module 5: Designing a Tailored Governance System.
Module 6: Implementing Enterprise Governance over I&T.
Module 7: Business Case Example.
Module 8: Trial Exam.
ITIL® 4 Strategist Direct, Plan & Improve Self-Study Package
Algemene omschrijving
This e-learning contains the course materials and a practice exam.
This e-learning equips you with practical skills to create a learning and improving IT organization with strategic direction, focusing on continual improvement, measurement, reporting, and organizational change management.
Target audience: IT service management professionals, particularly managers at all levels and anyone involved in continuous service improvement.
By completing this e-learning, you will gain the following knowledge and skills:
Scope and principles of direction and planning.
Governance, Risk, and Compliance integration.
Continual improvement principles and methods.
Communication and organizational change management.
Measurement and reporting in direction, planning, and improvement.
Exam Information:
Duration: 90 minutes.
Format: Multiple-choice.
Pass Mark: 70%.
Prior to going through this e-learning, you must have obtained the ITIL® 4 Foundation certificate.
Module 1: Introduction to ITIL® 4 Direct, Plan, and Improve.
Module 2: Key Concepts for Direction, Planning, and Improvement.
Module 3: Understanding Scope and Control.
Module 4: Governance, Risk, and Compliance.
Module 5: Methods of Continual Improvement.
Module 6: Measuring and Reporting.
Module 7: Communication and Organisational Change Management.
Module 8: Practice Exam.
ITIL® 4 Specialist Drive Stakeholder Value Self-Study Package
Algemene omschrijving
This e-learning contains the course materials and a practice exam.
This course is part of the ITIL® 4 Managing Professional (MP) designation. It covers service level agreement design, multi-supplier management, relationship management, and customer experience design.
IT Service Managers
Ensure IT services meet business needs and stakeholder expectations.
Project Managers
Lead IT projects, focusing on stakeholder engagement and value.
Business Relationship Managers
Strengthen IT-business alignment and satisfaction.
Service Delivery Managers
Ensure smooth IT service delivery and high customer satisfaction.
IT Consultants
Advise on optimizing IT service management.
Customer Experience Managers
Align IT services with customer needs for better user experiences.
IT Operations Managers
Oversee daily IT operations for efficient service delivery.
Change Managers
Manage IT service changes to minimize disruption and maximize value.
By completing this e-learning, you will gain the following knowledge and skills:
Planning and building service value streams.
Organisational structure, team capabilities, and culture across the SVS.
Positive communications, resource management, and IT usage in SVS.
Designing, developing, and transitioning value streams.
User support, work prioritization, and service integration management.
Exam Information:
Duration: 90 minutes.
Format: Multiple-choice.
Pass Mark: 70%.
Prior to going through this e-learning, you must have obtained the ITIL® 4 Foundation certificate.
Module 1: Introduction to ITIL® 4 Drive Stakeholder Value.
Module 2: Customers Journey.
Module 3: Explore Target Markets and Stakeholders.
Module 4: Engage by Fostering Stakeholder Relationships.
Module 5: Offer by Shaping Demand and Defining Service Offering.
Module 6: Agree by Aligning Expectations and Agreeing Details of Service.
Module 7: Onboarding and Offboarding Customers and Users.
Module 8: Co-creation and Realising Service Value.
Module 9: Practice Exam.
ITIL® 4 Specialist High Velocity IT Self-Study Package
Algemene omschrijving
This e-learning contains the course materials and a practice exam.
This e-learning is part of the ITIL 4® Managing Professional (MP) designation. It focuses on digital organizations and operating models in high-velocity environments, incorporating Agile, Lean, Cloud, Automation, and Automatic Testing.
The ITIL 4 Specialist: High-velocity IT module is designed for IT managers and professionals working in digital or highly automated environments, or those responsible for delivering digital products and services. This also includes anyone involved in digital transformation or transitioning to Lean, Agile, or DevOps methodologies.
By completing this e-learning, you will gain the following knowledge and skills:
High-velocity digital enterprise concepts.
Transformation to high-velocity IT.
Digital product lifecycle in the ITIL® operating model.
ITIL® guiding principles and concepts for high-velocity IT.
Achieving value, fast deployment, resilient operations, co-created value, and assured conformance with digital products.
Exam Information:
Duration: 90 minutes.
Format: Multiple-choice.
Pass Mark: 70%.
Prior to going through this e-learning, you must have obtained the ITIL® 4 Foundation certificate.
Module 1: Introduction to ITIL® 4 High-Velocity IT.
Module 2: High-Velocity Nature of the Digital Enterprise.
Module 3: Digital Product Lifecycle.
Module 4: ITIL® Guiding Principles and Fundamental Concepts.
Module 5: Contributing to Value with Digital Products.
Module 6: Conclusion and Practice Exam.
ITIL® 4 Leader Digital & IT Strategy Self-Study Package
Algemene omschrijving
This e-learning contains the course materials and a practice exam.
This e-learning is part of the ITIL® 4 Strategic Leader (SL) designation. It provides guidance on crafting a digital vision and shaping IT and business strategies, suitable for IT leaders and aspiring leaders.
This ITIL training is intended for IT and business directors, department heads, aspiring C-suite professionals, and other senior business leaders who seek to strategically position their organization against digital disruptors, develop a digital vision, and build a strong digital strategy for long-term growth.
By completing this e-learning, you will gain the following knowledge and skills:
ITIL® guiding principles in digital and IT strategy.
Concepts of digital and IT strategy, SVS, and service value chain.
Creating value in digitally transformed markets.
Assignment Information:
Four case study assignments are graded during the e-learning.
Exam Information:
Duration: 60 minutes.
Format: Multiple-choice.
Pass Mark: 70%.
Prior to going through this e-learning, you must have obtained the ITIL® 4 Foundation certificate.
Module 1: Introduction.
Module 2: What is Digital and IT Strategy?
Module 3: Tiers of Strategy.
Module 4: Strategy and the Service Value System.
Module 5: Digital Strategy as a Journey.
Module 6: Assignments: One to Four.
Module 7: Strategic Capabilities.
Module 8: Managing Innovation and Emerging Technologies.
Module 9: Managing Strategic Risk.
Module 10: Structuring for Digital Business.
Module 11: Practice Exam.
VeriSM™ Foundation Self-Study Package
Algemene omschrijving
VeriSM™ is a registered trademark of IFDC.
This e-learning contains the course materials.
VeriSM™ helps organisations understand and respond to the challenges of service management in the digital age. It creates a service management model in which all of the organisations’ capabilities and responsibilities are deployed in the delivery of superior service. VeriSM™ is an enterprise service management approach for the digital age, focusing on the view of service management.
The VeriSM™ model allows organizations to produce and deliver the right product or service at the right time to their consumers, whilst allowing for customization and alignment to the type of business, the size of the organisation, business priorities, organizational culture, and even the nature of the individual project or service. In the VeriSM™ model, governance and service management principles are relatively stable elements, only changing when the needs of the organization change.
The Management Mesh is flexible and is adjusted as required for products and services, for example to integrate a new management practice or a new technology. In four stages the product or service is defined, produced, provided and supported (Define, Produce, Provide and Respond).
VeriSM Foundation is designed for anyone working with, or aspiring to work with, products and services enabled by technology. It is an ideal entry-level certification for those looking to pursue a career in IT, service management, or digital services.
By completing this e-learning, you will gain the following knowledge and skills:
Understand what are the main areas of an organization and how to optimize the ecosystem.
Ability to establish and improve effective organizational governance.
Evaluate emerging technologies and their benefits and impacts to the business.
Understand how the Digital Transformation can positively impact the Service Management of an organization.
Define and evaluate if an organization has a service or a product culture.
Be able to enhance your leadership skills for the Digital Era.
Learn new methods to deal with business and customer challenges to achieve success.
Improve the internal and external communication across teams and customers.
Understand how to face and get the best from organizational changes.
Exam Information:
Duration: 90 minutes.
Format: Multiple-choice.
Pass Mark: 65%.
Open book: Yes.
You do not need any prior knowledge to access this e-learning.
VeriSM™ Foundation is for anyone who works with (or wants to work with) products and services enabled by technology. It’s an ideal entry-level for those wanting to work in IT, service management or with digital services.
IT Asset Management Essentials Self-Study Package
Algemene omschrijving
This e-learning contains the course materials and hands-on exercises.
This self-paced certification course provides comprehensive knowledge on all the key elements needed for strong IT asset management. You will learn the essential concepts necessary for the effective acquisition and life cycle management of hardware, software, and mobile assets.
Today’s increasingly complex business landscape can be a challenge for organisations to manage all their IT hardware and software assets. As IT departments are looking to operate at peak efficiency while minimising waste and ensuring they remain in compliance, there is a need to understand the full picture of an IT Asset Management (ITAM) program.
This e-learning combines theory with hands-on exercises so students can apply the concepts in practice. As a result, this e-learning is more consultative in nature, which is more practical for your organisation’s needs.
This e-learning is particularly suitable for the following people:
IT staff working in asset management, product (lifecycle) managers, and procurement specialists.
IT professionals who have responsibility for the procurement, receipt, lifecycle management, inventory and audit control processes, or the disposal of IT assets for their organisation.
Procurement and purchasing professionals outside of IT, who work closely with IT professionals to acquire IT assets and who want a better understanding of the unique challenges to managing IT assets.
IT Management will benefit from this foundational understanding of IT asset management to more effectively support and enable the asset management programs in their organisations.
By completing this e-learning, you will gain the following knowledge and skills:
Demonstrate the value of IT asset management through the alignment of objectives and key measures to benefit the organisation.
Learn how to establish appropriate foundation and parameters for an effective IT Asset Management program; including scope, governance, policies and controls.
Understand the different types and characteristics of IT assets.
Understand the various legal, contract and regulatory compliance concerns related to acquiring, managing, and disposing IT assets.
How to ensure cost-effective acquisition of assets through standards, justification, recovery and reuse of assets, and common organisation procurement practices.
Discover the importance of asset documentation and documentation management as critical elements for the management of individual assets and the overall IT Asset Management program.
Learn how to manage the lifecycle of IT assets, beginning with the structured receipt and validation of assets, asset identification, inventory and license control, through the end-of-life of the assets.
Learn how to properly, effectively and legally dispose of IT assets at end-of-life.
Learn how to prepare for and manage asset audits.
Understand the roles and responsibilities for effective and proper management and use of IT assets, both within IT and the greater organisation.
Learn to effectively integrate asset management and the configuration management system, understanding the critical relationships and dependences, as well as the major differences between the two.
Exam Information:
Duration: 60 minutes.
Format: Closed book, multiple-choice.
Pass Mark: 65% (26 marks).
You do not need any prior knowledge to access this e-learning.
Module 1: Introduction.
Module 2: IT Asset Management Strategy and Vision.
Module 3: IT Asset Management Parameters.
Module 4: Tools and Technology.
Module 5: IT Asset Management Practices (Part A).
Module 6: IT Asset Management Practices (Part B).
Module 7: Metrics and Measures, and Guiding Principles.
Module 8: IT Asset and Configuration Management.
Module 9: Wrap Up and Review.
Module 10: Trial Exam.