De Grootste Heidag van Nederland
Fort bij Vechten, Bunnik (bij Utrecht)
vr 20 jun. 2025
Heidagen zijn er genoeg in Nederland. Ze zorgen voor reflectie, uitzoomen en inspiratie. Maar het stopt daar (te) vaak. Niet op De Grootste Heidag van Nederland. Daar is het tijd voor actie. Zweet onder de oksels, voor jullie hele team!
De Grootste Heidag van Nederland is hét festival voor veranderaars, leiders, verbeteraars en management teams, die zin hebben om het écht even anders te doen. Teams die zin hebben in actie! Want hoe zetten jullie de ideeën en plannen van een heidag dezelfde dag nog om in succes voor jullie organisatie? Juist, door de handen uit de mouwen te steken. Door te denken én te doen. Van inspiratie naar transpiratie!
Geen heidag zonder inspiratie. En zonder transpiratie geen echte heidag. Daarom presenteren we met trots de namen voor deze editie van De Grootste Heidag. Stuk voor stuk persoonlijkheden die weten: zonder transpiratie geen echte inspiratie. Onder andere:
Ray Klaassens
Houda Loukili
Alan McSmith
Jeroen Otter
max 400
Masterclass Talentgericht werken
Haal meer uit jouw unieke talenten én die van collega's.
Wist je dat de juiste inzet van talent leidt tot een hogere motivatie, burn-outpreventie, betere prestaties en een sterkere teamdynamiek op de werkvloer? Deze praktijkgerichte masterclass Talentgericht werken biedt jou dan ook diepgaand inzicht in jouw eigen unieke talenten én die van collega's.
Gebaseerd op de methodologie van Luk Dewulf (Stop burn-out), Fred Korthagen en Els Nuijten (Krachtgericht coachen) en Manon Ruiters (Werken aan je professionele identiteit) ontwikkel je in deze masterclass het vermogen om talenten te herkennen, talentprofielen samen te stellen en optimaal te benutten, wat bijdraagt aan een duurzame loopbaan en persoonlijke voldoening. Het bouwen aan een stevige professionele identiteit staat centraal, een springplank voor optimale ontwikkeling in lerende organisaties.
Tijdens de masterclass Talentgericht werken ga je aan de slag met onderstaande onderwerpen:
• Bijeenkomst 1: Introductie talentgericht werken
• Bijeenkomst 2: Job crafting (jouw talent maximaal benutten)
• Bijeenkomst 3: Congruent versus incongruent
• Bijeenkomst 4: Eindpresentatie (afstemmen op ingebrachte casus/ontwikkelvraag)
Tijdens de masterclass Talentgericht werken ga je aan de slag met onderstaande onderwerpen:
Bijeenkomst 1: Introductie talentgericht werken
• Theorie talentgericht werken
• Ontwikkelvraag formuleren
• Kennismaking met talentkaarten Luk Dewulf
• Persoonlijk talentprofiel samenstellen, oefenen talentinterview
Bijeenkomst 2: Job crafting (jouw talent maximaal benutten)
• Talentinterview nabespreken (huiswerk)
• Contexten opzoeken om je talent in te zetten
• Hefboomvaardigheden om te voorkomen dat je talent in de ‘overdrive’ gaat (energielek voorkomen)
Bijeenkomst 3: Congruent versus incongruent
• Normen en waarden in talent
• Talentprofiel versus DISC (veel voorkomende talentencombinaties)
• De cirkel van betrokkenheid/invloed van Covey
• Belemmerende gedachtepatronen neutraliseren, oefenen om de ontwikkelvraag/verandering om te zetten in concreet gedrag
Bijeenkomst 4: Eindpresentatie (afstemmen op ingebrachte casus/ontwikkelvraag)
• Wat is er al veranderd, hoe benut je jouw talent zoveel mogelijk in de nabije toekomst?
• Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je talent bij collega’s zichtbaar maakt?
Je leert de sterke punten van jezelf en anderen effectief in te zetten, wat leidt tot meer plezier, een positieve werkomgeving, meer betrokkenheid en een hogere productiviteit. Door talenten te gebruiken bij het vormgeven van je professionele identiteit, leer je snel herkennen in welke omstandigheden je floreert. Je bouwt aan veerkracht om met moeilijkere zaken om te gaan. Je herkent contexten waar jouw energie van weglekt en kunt daar sneller op anticiperen. Door talentgericht werken te integreren in de werkcontext, vergroot je tijdens deze masterclass direct het potentieel van jouw team.
Je ontvangt na het volgen van de masterclass Talentgericht werken een bewijs van deelname van Inholland Academy.
Je ontvangt na het volgen van de masterclass Talentgericht werken een bewijs van deelname van Inholland Academy.
De masterclass Talentgericht werken is bedoeld voor coaches, kwaliteitscoördinatoren, schoolleiders en andere onderwijsprofessionals die willen leren hoe ze talenten van zichzelf en hun collega’s kunnen herkennen, inzetten en ontwikkelen.
De masterclass Talentgericht werken is bedoeld voor coaches, kwaliteitscoördinatoren, schoolleiders en andere onderwijsprofessionals die willen leren hoe ze talenten van zichzelf en hun collega’s kunnen herkennen, inzetten en ontwikkelen.
max 15
3 maanden
English Delivery Only: Oracle Application Express 23 (APEX) [STA_OAE23]
ma 16 jun. 2025
*** Course delivered in English (UK - (GMT)) ***
Oracle Application Express 23 (APEX) Course Overview
This Oracle Application Express 23 (APEX) course introduces the delegate to Oracle's Application Express version 23 software. It i
Course Objectives
By the end of the course delegates will be able to use the Oracle Application Express development environment for functional application development for the Web. They will gain practical experience in building and deploying applications for the Web,in using Application Express to manage database objects and in administering the Oracle Application Express environment.
Who will the Course Benefit?
The Oracle Application Express 23 (APEX) course is aimed at Application developers,software developers,Web developers,Oracle Forms and Reports developers and technical support professionals who wish to develop interactive applications on the Web for end users.
Further Learning
Oracle PL/SQL Stored Program Units
Oracle 19c SQL Performance Tuning
Oracle Application Express 23 (APEX) Training Course
Course Contents - DAY 1
Course Introduction
Administration and Course Materials
Course Structure and Agenda
Delegate and Trainer Introductions
APEX Concepts
APEX Main Components
Workspaces,Database Applications
Creating a Workspace
The Workspace Administrator
Upgrading APEX
Logging into APEX
Running an Application
New features in APEX 23
Use APEX to Browse,Create and Modify Objects
Process Ad Hoc SQL Statements
Manage Scripts in APEX
Create,Run and Save SQL Queries
Application Components
Create an Application
Create a Working Copy
Create an Application from a file
Creating Interactive Grids
Create Reports Using Wizards
Edit Report Attributes in Page Designer
Add Links to Reports
Create a Link to a Printer-Friendly version of a Report
Create Faceted Search,Smart Filter,Cards and Column Toggle reports
Save and Print Reports in Different Formats
Session 5: USING FILES
Uploading Images
Creating Cascading Stylesheet Files
Uploading Static Files
Adding an Image as an Application Logo
Adding a Reference to a Javascript File
View Page Attributes in Page Designer
Edit Page Attributes in Page Designer
Create a Global Page
Create a New Region
View Region Attributes
Creating Badge,Avatar Timeline and Media List regions
Add Comments
Add a Title
Add a logo
Oracle Application Express 23 (APEX) Training Course
Course Contents - DAY 2
Web Form Behaviour in APEX
Create a Form Based on a Table
Create a Form Based on a Procedure
Create a Form with a Report
Create an Editable Interactive Grid
Format a Form
Locking in APEX Forms
Overview of Application Express Shared Components
Dynamic and Static Lists of Values
Create a Dynamic List of Values,query or table-based
Create a Static List of Values
Create a list of values using ranges
Use a List of Values to Control Data in a Report
Convert a local list to a Shared Component List
Create a Cascading List of Values
Understand the Different Types of Items
Create Page Items
Create Application Items
Understand and Edit Item Attributes in Page Designer
Use Javascript with Item
Create and Edit Buttons
Page Rendering and Page Processing
Create Computations
Validate Input Data
Process Data
Understand Application Branching
Create Conditional Branches
Run a background process
Overview of Application Express Navigation Components
Manage the Navigation Menu
Create Navigation Bar Entries
Manage Breadcrumbs
Create and Use Lists and List Items
Creating and using Shortcuts
Oracle Application Express 23 (APEX) Training Course
Course Contents - DAY 3
Create Hierarchical Trees
Creating and editing Charts
Creating and editing Calendars
Understand Session State
Set a Session State Value
Clear the Session State
Review the Session State
Review the Messages in Debug Mode
Enabling Feedback
Managing Feedback and Team Development
Switch to a Different Theme
View Existing Templates
Understand and Manage Templates
Create a new Template
Working with Theme Styles
Add References to Cascading Stylesheet and Javascript Files
Oracle Application Express 23 (APEX) Training Course
Course Contents - DAY 4
Identify Plug-in Components and their Types
Plug In a Component
Create Dynamic Actions
Use a Plug-in in a Dynamic Action
Template Components
Define Conditional and Loop-based Template directives
PWA Push Notifications
Authentication and Authorization
Provide an Authentication Scheme
Create an Authorization Scheme Using Access Control
Enable and Configure Session State Protection
Define Supporting Objects
Package an Application
Export an Application
Import an Application
Install Supporting Objects
Session 18: SAMPLE APPS
Access the Gallery
Download and install a Sample App
max 16
IBM SPSS Statistics Essentials (V26) [TDS_0G53BG]
Virtual Training Centre
ma 17 mrt. 2025
en 2 andere data
This course guides students through the fundamentals of using IBM SPSS Statistics for typical data analysis. Students will learn the basics of reading data, data definition, data modification, data analysis, and presentation of analytical results.
In addition to the fundamentals, students will learn shortcuts that will help them save time. This course uses the IBM SPSS Statistics Base; one section presents an add-on module, IBM SPSS Custom Tables.
Virtueel en Klassikaal™
Virtueel en Klassikaal™ is een eenvoudig leerconcept en biedt een flexibele oplossing voor het volgen van een klassikale training. Met Virtueel en Klassikaal™ kunt u zelf beslissen of u een klassikale training virtueel (vanuit huis of kantoor )of fysiek op locatie wilt volgen. De keuze is aan u! Cursisten die virtueel deelnemen aan de training ontvangen voor aanvang van de training alle benodigde informatie om de training te kunnen volgen.
At the end of the course, participants will have studied the following topics:
Introduction to IBM SPSS Statistics
Reading data and defining metadata
Select cases for analysis
Transform variables
Use functions to transform variables
Define the unit of analysis
Merge data files
Summarize individual variables
Describe the relationship between variables
Create presentation-ready tables using custom tables
Customize pivot tables
Using syntax
Controlling the IBM SPSS Statistics environment
• New users of IBM SPSS Statistics
• Users who want to refresh their knowledge about IBM SPSS Statistics
• Anyone who is considering purchasing IBM SPSS Statistics
Introduction to IBM SPSS Statistics
• Review basic concepts in IBM SPSS Statistics
• Identify the steps in the research process
• Review basic analyses
• Use Help
Reading data and defining metadata
• Overview of data sources
• Read from text files
• Read data from Microsoft Excel
• Read data from databases
• Define variable properties
Selecting cases for analyses
• Select cases for analyses
• Run analyses for groups
• Apply report authoring styles
Transforming variables
• Compute variables
• Recode values of categorical and scale variables
• Create a numeric variable from a string variable
Using functions to transform variables
• Use statistical functions
• Use logical functions
• Use missing value functions
• Use conversion functions
• Use system variables
• Use the Date and Time Wizard
Setting the unit of analysis
• Remove duplicate cases
• Create aggregate datasets
• Restructure datasets
Merging data files
• Add cases from one dataset to another
• Add variables from one dataset to another
• Enrich a dataset with aggregated information
Summarizing individual variables
• Define levels of measurement
• Summarizing categorical variables
• Summarizing scale variables
Describing the relationship between variables
• Choose the appropriate procedure
• Summarize the relationship between categorical variables
• Summarize the relationship between a scale and a categorical variable
Creating presentation-ready tables with Custom Tables
• Identify table layouts
• Create tables for variables with shared categories
• Create tables for multiple response questions
Customizing pivot tables
• Perform Automated Output Modification
• Customize pivot tables
• Use table templates
• Export pivot tables to other applications
Working with syntax
• Use syntax to automate analyses
• Create, edit, and run syntax
• Shortcuts in the Syntax Editor
Controlling the IBM SPSS Statistics environment
• Set options for output
• Set options for variables display
• Set options for default working folders
max 16
PowerHA SystemMirror 7 Planning and Implementation and Customization and Basic Administration [TDS_AN61G]
Virtual Training Centre
ma 7 apr. 2025
en 2 andere data
This course is designed to prepare students to install and configure a highly available cluster using PowerHA SystemMirror.
Important: This course consists of several independent modules. The modules, including the lab exercises, stand on their own and do not depend on any other content.The exercises are conducted on an AIX 7.2 TL1 level system.
Virtueel en Klassikaal™
Virtueel en Klassikaal™ is een eenvoudig leerconcept en biedt een flexibele oplossing voor het volgen van een klassikale training. Met Virtueel en Klassikaal™ kunt u zelf beslissen of u een klassikale training virtueel (vanuit huis of kantoor )of fysiek op locatie wilt volgen. De keuze is aan u! Cursisten die virtueel deelnemen aan de training ontvangen voor aanvang van de training alle benodigde informatie om de training te kunnen volgen.
After this course, participannts should be able to:
Explain what high availability is
Outline the capabilities of PowerHA SystemMirror
Design and plan a highly available PowerHA cluster
Install and configure PowerHA SystemMirror in the following modes of operation:
Single resource group on a primary node with standby node (active/passive)
Two resource groups in a mutual takeover configuration (active/active)
Configure resource group startup, fallover, and fallback policies
Perform basic system administration tasks for PowerHA
Perform basic customization for PowerHA
Perform basic problem determination and recovery
The recommended audience for this course is students who are:
experienced AIX system administrators with TCP/IP networking and AIX Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
experienced responsible for the planning and installation of a PowerHA SystemMirror 7.2.1 and later cluster on an IBM Power Systems server running AIX V7.2 or later.
This course is the first in the PowerHA 7 curriculum.
The following course can be taken after this course is completed: AN62G: PowerHA 7 Advanced Configurations
Day 1
Welcome and course introduction
Unit 1: Introduction to PowerHA SystemMirror
Unit 2: Planning and configuring network and storage for PowerHA SystemMirror
Exercise 1: Lab setup, cluster planning, and exploring fallover
Exercise 2: Preparing the AIX environment for PowerHA SystemMirror
Day 2
Unit 3: Configuring applications for PowerHA SystemMirror
Unit 4: Configuring a PowerHA SystemMirror cluster
Exercise 3: Preparing an application for integration with SystemMirror
Exercise 4: Initial cluster configuration
Day 3
Unit 5: Cluster validation and testing
Unit 6: Basic PowerHA SystemMirror administration
Exercise 5: Cluster validation and testing
Exercise 6: Extending the configuration
Day 4
Unit 7: Events
Unit 8: Basic troubleshooting
Exercise 7: Events
Exercise 8: PowerHA SystemMirror problem determination
Day 5
Unit 9: PowerHA SystemMirror installation
Exercise 9: Install and maintain PowerHA SystemMirror
Open lab
max 16
IBM Cognos Analytics: Enterprise Administration (V11.2) [TDS_B6355G]
Virtual Training Centre
ma 24 mrt. 2025
en 2 andere data
This offering covers the fundamental concepts of installing and configuring IBM Cognos Analytics, and administering servers and content, in a distributed environment.
In the course, participants will identify requirements for the installation and configuration of a distributed IBM Cognos Analytics software environment, implement security in the environment, and manage the server components.
Students will also monitor and schedule tasks, create data sources, and manage and deploy content in the portal and IBM Cognos Administration.
Virtueel en Klassikaal™
Virtueel en Klassikaal™ is een eenvoudig leerconcept en biedt een flexibele oplossing voor het volgen van een klassikale training. Met Virtueel en Klassikaal™ kunt u zelf beslissen of u een klassikale training virtueel (vanuit huis of kantoor )of fysiek op locatie wilt volgen. De keuze is aan u! Cursisten die virtueel deelnemen aan de training ontvangen voor aanvang van de training alle benodigde informatie om de training te kunnen volgen.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to :
Install and configure IBM Cognos Analytics
Implement security
Monitor and schedule tasks
Create data sources
Manage and deploy content in the IBM Cognos portal and administration.
This course targets Cognos Administrators
Introduction to IBM Cognos Analytics administration
IBM Cognos Analytics components
Administration workflow
IBM Cognos Administration
IBM Cognos Configuration
Identify IBM Cognos Analytics architecture
Features of the IBM Cognos Analytics architecture
Examine the multi-tiered architecture, and identify logging types and files
Examine IBM Cognos Analytics servlets
Performance and installation planning
Balance the request load
Configure IBM Cognos Analytics
Secure the IBM Cognos Analytics environment
Identify the IBM Cognos Analytics security model
Define authentication in IBM Cognos Analytics
Define authorization in IBM Cognos Analytics
Identify security policies
Secure the IBM Cognos Analytics environment
Administer the IBM Cognos Analytics server environment
Administer IBM Cognos Analytics servers
Monitor system performance
Manage dispatchers and services
Tune system performance, and troubleshoot the server
Audit logging
Dynamic cube data source administration workflow
Manage run activities
View current, past, and upcoming activities
Manage schedules
Manage content in IBM Cognos Administration
Data sources and packages
Manage visualizations in the library
Other content management tasks
Examine departmental administration capabilities
Create and manage team members
Manage activities
Create and manage content and data
Manage system settings
Manage Themes, Extensions, and Views
Share services with multiple tenants
max 16
IBM QRadar SIEM Foundations [TDS_BQ105G]
Virtual Training Centre
ma 7 apr. 2025
en 2 andere data
IBM Security QRadar enables deep visibility into network, endpoint, user, and application activity. It provides collection, normalization, correlation, and secure storage of events, flows, assets, and vulnerabilities. Suspected attacks and policy breaches are highlighted as offenses. In this course, you learn about the solution architecture, how to navigate the user interface, and how to investigate offenses. You search and analyze the information from which QRadar concluded a suspicious activity. Hands-on exercises reinforce the skills learned.
Virtueel en Klassikaal™
Virtueel en Klassikaal™ is een eenvoudig leerconcept en biedt een flexibele oplossing voor het volgen van een klassikale training. Met Virtueel en Klassikaal™ kunt u zelf beslissen of u een klassikale training virtueel (vanuit huis of kantoor )of fysiek op locatie wilt volgen. De keuze is aan u! Cursisten die virtueel deelnemen aan de training ontvangen voor aanvang van de training alle benodigde informatie om de training te kunnen volgen.
After completing this course, you should be able to perform the following tasks:
Describe how QRadar collects data to detect suspicious activities
Describe the QRadar architecture and data flows
Navigate the user interface
Define log sources, protocols, and event details
Discover how QRadar collects and analyzes network flow information
Describe the QRadar Custom Rule Engine
Utilize the Use Case Manager app
Discover and manage asset information
Learn about a variety of QRadar apps, content extensions, and the App Framework
Analyze offenses by using the QRadar UI and the Analyst Workflow app
Search, filter, group, and analyze security data
Use AQL for advanced searches
Use QRadar to create customized reports
Explore aggregated data management
Define sophisticated reporting using Pulse Dashboards
Discover QRadar administrative tasks
This course is designed for security analysts, security technical architects, offense managers, network administrators, and system administrators using QRadar SIEM.
Unit 0: IBM Security QRadar 7.5 - Fundamentals
Unit 1: QRadar Architecture
Unit 2: QRadar UI - Overview
Unit 3: QRadar - Log Source
Unit 4: QRadar flows and QRadar Network Insights
Unit 5: QRadar Custom Rule Engine (CRE)
Unit 6: QRadar Use Case Manager app
Unit 7: QRadar - Assets
Unit 8: QRadar extensions
Unit 9: Working with Offenses
Unit 10: QRadar - Search, filtering, and AQL
Unit 11: QRadar - Reporting and Dashboards
Unit 12: QRadar - Admin Console
Extensive lab exercises are provided to allow learners an insight into the routine work of an IT Security Analyst operating the QRadar SIEM platform. The exercises cover the following topics:
Architecture exercises
UI Overview exercises
Log Sources exercises
Flows and QRadar Network Insights exercises
Custom Rule Engine (CRE) exercises
Use Case Manager app exercises
Assets exercises
App Framework exercises
Working with Offenses exercises.
Search, filtering, and AQL exercises
Reporting and Dashboards exercises
QRadar Admin tasks exercises
The lab environment for this course uses the IBM QRadar SIEM 7.5 platform.
max 16
IBM QRadar SIEM Advanced Topics [TDS_BQ205G]
Virtual Training Centre
ma 5 mei 2025
en 2 andere data
QRadar SIEM provides deep visibility into network, user, and application activity. It provides collection, normalization, correlation, and secure storage of events, flows, assets, and vulnerabilities. Suspected attacks and policy breaches are highlighted as offenses.
This 2-day instructor-led course walks you through various advanced topics about QRadar such as custom log sources, reference data collections and custom rules, X-Force data and the Threat Intelligence app, UBA and QRadar Advisor, tuning and custom action scripts. The course also discusses integration with IBM SOAR. Hands-on exercises reinforce the skills learned.
The lab environment for this course uses the IBM QRadar SIEM 7.5 platform.
Virtueel en Klassikaal™
Virtueel en Klassikaal™ is een eenvoudig leerconcept en biedt een flexibele oplossing voor het volgen van een klassikale training. Met Virtueel en Klassikaal™ kunt u zelf beslissen of u een klassikale training virtueel (vanuit huis of kantoor )of fysiek op locatie wilt volgen. De keuze is aan u! Cursisten die virtueel deelnemen aan de training ontvangen voor aanvang van de training alle benodigde informatie om de training te kunnen volgen.
Learn how to create custom log sources
Discover how to work with reference data collections and custom rules
Use X-Force data and Threat Intelligence app
Use the Use Case Manager app
Learn how to use UBA and QRadar Advisor
Discover Tuning
Explore Custom action scripts
Discuss Integration with IBM SOAR
This course is designed for security administrators and security analysts.
Unit 1: Custom log sources
Unit 2: Reference data collections and custom rules
Unit 3: IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence in QRadar
Unit 4: User Behavior Analytics and Advisor with Watson
Unit 5: Tuning
Unit 6: Custom action scripts
Unit 7: IBM SOAR integration
max 16
QRadar UBA: Detecting Insider Threats [TDS_BQ610G]
Virtual Training Centre
vr 4 apr. 2025
en 2 andere data
Learn how to detect insider threats triggered by anomalous or malicious user behavior. Get ready to install, configure, and tune IBM Security® QRadar UBA and the Machine Learning app. Improve your skill to investigate user behavior with UBA and expand your threat detection capabilities across your network with the QRadar® Advisor with Watson app.
Virtueel en Klassikaal™
Virtueel en Klassikaal™ is een eenvoudig leerconcept en biedt een flexibele oplossing voor het volgen van een klassikale training. Met Virtueel en Klassikaal™ kunt u zelf beslissen of u een klassikale training virtueel (vanuit huis of kantoor )of fysiek op locatie wilt volgen. De keuze is aan u! Cursisten die virtueel deelnemen aan de training ontvangen voor aanvang van de training alle benodigde informatie om de training te kunnen volgen.
Analyze UBA concepts, such as the senseValue variable, risk scores, and the IBM Sense DSM.
Identify how QRadar rules are connected to UBA and how user information is imported into the app.
Install and configure the app, as well as the User Import tool and the the Machine Learning app.
Tune UBA settings to improve the application's behavior and performance.
Analyze how UBA can help you detect and investigate insider threats.
Analyze how to use the UBA Dashboard.
Investigate how to detect malicious user behavior.
Security Analyst
Unit 1: Architecture and Overview
Unit 2: Setup
User Import
Machine Learning configuration
Unit 3: Tuning
Unit 4: An overview to detecting and investigating insider threats
Unit 5: Student exercise
max 16
Db2 12 for zOS: Basics for DBA Beginners [TDS_CV042G]
Virtual Training Centre
ma 12 mei 2025
en 2 andere data
Db2 12 for z/OS beginning DBAs can develop fundamental skills or recognition through lectures and hands-on exercises of:
Data sets
Db2 Objects
Structured Query Language
Db2 Commands
Db2 Utilities
Db2 Logging
Db2 Program Preparation
The course materials cover Db2 12 for z/OS
Virtueel en Klassikaal™
Virtueel en Klassikaal™ is een eenvoudig leerconcept en biedt een flexibele oplossing voor het volgen van een klassikale training. Met Virtueel en Klassikaal™ kunt u zelf beslissen of u een klassikale training virtueel (vanuit huis of kantoor )of fysiek op locatie wilt volgen. De keuze is aan u! Cursisten die virtueel deelnemen aan de training ontvangen voor aanvang van de training alle benodigde informatie om de training te kunnen volgen.
Describe several services provided in a z/OS environment
Explain workloads in the batch environment
Explain workloads in the online environment
Describe job roles in a z/OS environment
Log On to TSO/E
Navigate TSO/E and ISPF
Use TSO commands
Setup and utilize JCL (Job Control Language)
Utilize SDSF
Describe the different types of data sets in a z/OS environment
Allocate data sets and list data set information and content
Create and modify data set content
Give an overview of the Db2 9 environment
Describe and utilize Db2 Objects
Describe and utilize several DB2 Utilities
Describe the Db2I (Db2 Interactive Facility) environment
Use SPUFI (SQL Processing Using File Input) to compose and execute SQL
Setup and execute Db2 Commands
Understand Db2 Logging
Describe Db2 program preparation process
Understand Db2 startup and shutdown
Understand and utilize Db2 recovery strategies
This beginning Db2 basic course is for z/OS database administrators who need to acquire the basic skills required to administer a Db2 database in a z/OS environment.
Unit 1 Introduction
The modern Mainframe Environment
Defining z/OS
What are the benefits of z/OS?
Typical z/OS workloads
Batch processing
Online Transaction Processing
Job roles in the Mainframe environment
z/OS Components and Services
UNIX System Services
The Parallel Sysplex Environment
z/OS Management Interfaces
Unit 2 TSO/E and ISPF
z/VM systems
2.1. TSO/E
TSO Logon panel
Changing passwords
Additional logon panel options
The Reconnect option
TSO READY prompt
TSO HELP command
LISTALC command
PROFILE command
Changing PROFILE
LOGOFF command
Scripting support
2.2. ISPF
What is ISPF
ISPF command
ISPF Primary Option Menu
Primary Option Menu Areas
Action Bar
Options option
ISPF Settings
Global Color Change Utility
Function Keys
Option or Command Prompt
Keylist Utility
F3 Exit
F1 Help
F2 Split
ISPF Navigation Techniques
More ISPF commands
Option listing
ISPF Command Shell
TSO Command Prefix
Unit 3 Data Sets
Data sets
Types of data sets
DASD versus Tape
Storage allocation
Data set naming conventions
Storage Management
3.2. Sequential Data Sets
Creating data sets
Utility Selection Panel
Data Set Utility Panel
Creating a data set
Allocate New Data Set
Creating a sequential data set
Editing a sequential data set
ISPF Editor
ISPF Editor primary commands
ISPF Editor line commands
Data Set List Utility
Data set name wild cards
Data Set List Utility
DSLIST results
Select Action
HELP on Line Commands
DSLIST by volume
3.3. Partitioned Data Sets
Partitioned data sets
Creating a PDS
PDS members
Creating a PDS member – Library Utility Panel
DSLIST Utility
PDS Member List
Member Actions
3.4. VSAM Data Sets
VSAM data sets
VSAM data set components
Creating a VSAM data set
Unit 4 JCL and SDSF
4.1. JCL
Batch Jobs versus Online Transactions
Batch job activities
Creating the batch job
JCL: Job Control Language
Statement format
JOB statement
EXEC statement
DD statement
Instream Input Data Set
Instream Output Data Set
Sample Jobstream 1
Sample Jobstream 2
Submitting the job
4.2. SDSF
SDSF Primary Option Menu
Output and Held queues
PREFIX command
Working with queue query
Select command
? command
Canceling or Purging output
Sample jobstream 1 revisited
Sample jobstream 2 revisited
Unit 5 Db2 Relational Database Concepts
Relational Database Systems
Db2 for z/OS and Db2 family
The Db2 Optimizer
Benefits of Db2 for z/OS
Primary Key
Referential Integrity
Integrity Rules
Data domains
Table scan access
Index access
Interacting with Db2
UNIT 6 Structured Query Language (SQL) and SPUFI
Structured Query Language (SQL)
SQL categories
SELECT statement
FROM clause
Simple SELECT statement
SUBSTR function
SELECT with SUBSTR function
WHEREÂ clause
SELECT with WHERE clause
IN operator
WHERE with IN operator
BETWEEN operator
WHERE with BETWEEN operator
LIKE operator
WHERE with LIKE operator
ORDER BY clause
The NULL value
Putting it all together
Joining tables
Correlation Names
Additional criteria
Cartesian products
Executing SQL
Unit 7 Db2 Objects
7.1. Databases and Table Spaces
Db2 objects
The Db2 catalog
Storage group
Table Space
Segmented table space
Partitioned table space
Partition By Growth table space
Partition By Range table space
VSAM data sets
7.2. Tables, Indexes and Views
Partitioned table
Clustering index
Index space
Partitioned index
7.3. Qualified names, Implicit Object Creation, and SQL statements
Qualyfing Db2 objects
Implicit object creation
DML statements
Insert statement
UPDATE statement
DELETE statement
COMMIT statement
ROLLBACK statement
Unit 8 The Db2 System
The Db2 system
System parameters
Required address spaces
Optional address spaces
Started tasks
Master address space
System databases
System database data sets
Data pages
Buffer pools
Buffer pools: Read operations
Buffer pools: Write operations
System buffer pools
Db2 logging
Bootstrap data set
Db2 locking
Integrity issues
Transaction locks
Isolation Levels
User interfaces
Unit 9 Db2 Commands and Program Preparation
Accessing Db2
9.1. Db2 Commands
Db2 commands
Command format
Executing commands
Executing commands: TSO
Executing commands: Batch
Executing commands: SDSF
9.2. Program Preparation
Db2 program preparation
Source program
Compile and link edit
Database Request Module
Bind plan
Bind plan
Program execution
Unit 10 Db2 Utilities
Utility categories
Utility and Tools Packaging
Standalone utilities
Service aids and samples
Online utilities
UNLOAD utility
UNLOAD control statement
LOAD utility
LOAD utility steps
Restrictive states
Db2| Utility Generator
Utility Panel One
Utility Panel Two
Utility batch job
Unit 11 Db2 Shutdown, Startup, and Recovery
Buffer Pools and Logging
Normal Db2 Shutdown
Restart phases
Starting Db2 after a normal shutdown
Abnormal Db2 shutdown
Starting Db2 after an abnormal shutdown
Log initialization
Current status rebuild
Forward log recovery
Backward log recovery
Object backup and recovery
COPY utility
Table space recovery
RECOVER utility
Unit 12 Course Summary
z/OS topics
Db2 for z/OS topics
Other Db2 courses
Db2 for z/OS certifications
Course Evaluation
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