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57.455 resultaten

SIAM™ Foundation

3543 KA Utrecht wo 15 okt. 2025
Korte beschrijving Learn how to manage and integrate multiple service providers seamlessly with the SIAM™ Foundation Doelgroep IT Managers: Oversee and manage IT services and providers. Service Managers: Ensure service delivery meets business needs. Project Managers: Coordinate projects involving multiple service providers. Consultants: Advise organizations on implementing SIAM practices. IT Professionals: Enhance skills in service integration and management. Business Managers: Understand the impact of SIAM on business operations. Process Managers: Optimize processes within a SIAM ecosystem. Vendor Managers: Manage relationships with multiple service providers. Voorvereisten No specific prerequisites are required for this course. However, a basic understanding of IT service management principles can be beneficial. Doelstelling At the end of the training you will be able to: Understand the main concepts and processes of SIAM that are used in organizations. Establish a SIAM ecosystem to better organize the organization’s resources. Provide better support during a SIAM implementation by understanding the main considerations for the most important processes. Reduce risks associated with Integrated Services and the SIAM ecosystem. Connect different practices with SIAM to boost and improve the organization’s service provision. Integrate services by using different structures based on SIAM practices and methodology. Recognize the key stages of SIAM implementation to better plan its roll-out. Determine SIAM roles and responsibilities in processes and the organization. Toevoeging While going through the training you have access to our trainers for support. They bring a wealth of practical experience to the theoretical concepts, offering real-world insights and best practices. This training empowers you with the skills to efficiently manage and integrate multiple service providers, guaranteeing seamless service delivery and maximizing value for your organization. Exameninformatie Exam Information: This training includes a voucher for the official, internationally recognized exam and a re-exam if you do not pass the exam the first time. Bear in mind that you must plan your exam at least 5 working days in advance. For more info check: https://academy.capgemini.nl/en/topic/exams-capgemini-academy Exam guarantee: We have full confidence in the quality of our training. Therefore, if you take this training in our open schedule, we offer an exam guarantee. This means that you can retake the training for free, and you'll receive a complimentary exam voucher if you don't pass the exam on your first attempt. The following conditions apply: You attended the entire training. You took the first exam within 2 months after the training. There is a maximum of 1 year between your initial training and the free training. Exam duration (minutes): 60 % extra time for non-native speakers: 25 Number of exam questions: 40 Minimum correct questions: 26 Exam style: Multiple choice Open book: No
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GenAI voor Architecten

3543 KA Utrecht vr 4 jul. 2025 en 1 andere data
Korte beschrijving AI technologie is de wereld en architectuur aan het veranderen. De architect zal als rotsvast en nuchter baken in de AI-storm moeten weten wat AI kan en hoe dit goed toe te passen. Doelgroep De training (Gen)AI voor Architecten is geschikt voor: Startende professionals Professionals die hun kennis op het gebied van toegepaste AI willen opbouwen Enterprise-, Solution, Business, Software, Infra Architecten Business Analisten, Business Consultants Software Engineers Management / Beslissers die een holistische visie op het gebied van toegepaste AI willen opbouwen Voorvereisten Er zijn geen specifieke vereisten om aan deze training te kunnen deelnemen. Doelstelling Na deze training is de deelnemer in staat om antwoord te geven op de vragen: Wat is AI? Welke verschillende typen van AI bestaan er? Hoe kan ik als Architect AI in mijn werk gebruiken? Hoe kan ik AI in architecturen gebruiken? Toevoeging Toepassing van AI in de organisatie, in business processen en in software oplossingen is geen trivialiteit. Het vergt kennis, inzicht en nuchterheid. Daarom bekijken we de toepassing van AI in architecturen vanuit meerdere oogpunten: vanuit die van de Enterprise Architect, van de Solution Architect, van de Infra Architect en van de (Software/Data) Engineer. Tijdens de training wordt theorie zoveel mogelijk meteen in de praktijk gebracht. Je wordt uitgedaagd om te discussieren over de mlogelijkheden en beperkingen van AI, met praktijk cases aan de slag te gaan en te oefenen met tools en technieken. De training wordt gegeven door vakcollega’s die kun sporen in de praktijk hebben verdiend en weten waar het over gaat. En deze praktijk kennis willen ze graag delen.
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SAFe for Hardware (HW)

3543 KA Utrecht ma 28 jul. 2025
Korte beschrijving Get a comprehensive overview of SAFe, the leading framework for Business Agility, and learn how to start applying it when the focus in your organization is on hardware. Doelgroep This course has specifically designed for: Systems engineers, product managers, and program managers responsible for delivering hardware-reliant solutions Engineering leaders and managers looking to adopt Lean-Agile practices Engineering practitioners (mechanical, electrical, etc.) seeking to apply a Lean-Agile approach to their current practices Voorvereisten Participants should have a basic understanding of Agile principles and methodologies. Doelstelling During this training, you will learn: How to design for change, think in smaller batches, and establish faster feedback loops. Approaches for gathering and responding to rapid technical, market, and user feedback to iterate and refine products and processes in real-time. Best practices for strengthening teamwork and integration between engineers and stakeholders for more effective workflows. Proactive risk management, detecting and mitigating safety issues earlier, and integrating compliance into development without impacting velocity. Tips for aligning suppliers with Agile workflows and mindsets to ensure more effective coordination and delivery. Improve cross-functional collaboration planning, forecasting, delivery, and measurement. Toevoeging This course is the official SAFe course and is delivered by certified trainers. The SAFe for Hardware (HW) certification exam is included in the course. The cost of the exam is part of the course price. You will take this online exam at a time and place of your own choice, but within 30 days of the course. In the Scaled Agile online learning environment, you will have access to an e-learning prior to attending the course and to the digital workbook that accompanies the course. You can also use this environment to take a practice test (mock exam). If this is your first SAFe training, a one-year membership to SAFe Studio is included. Through SAFe Studio, you have access to e-learnings, videos, discussion forums, toolkits, templates and SAFe Copilot. We always use the latest training materials from Scaled Agile. Exameninformatie Exam Information: After completing the course, you will take a completion quiz to demonstrate your understanding of the material. A 100% passing score is required, but don’t worry—there’s no limit on retakes, and they come at no additional cost. If any questions are answered incorrectly, helpful tips will guide you to the relevant content, ensuring you achieve mastery and success. Upon passing, you will earn a certification that validates your knowledge in integrating SAFe into hardware development.
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Professional Product Discovery and Validation™

Online Virtual vr 23 mei 2025 en 1 andere data
Korte beschrijving This training offers a hands-on learning experience, enabling participants to enhance value creation by applying discovery and validation skills in product development. Doelgroep This course is appropriate for students who are currently working as a Product Owner, product manager, product leaders, business analysts and others on the product team who are looking for practical ways to increase user value created, make data-informed decisions, and better investments. This course is also suitable for members of product teams. Voorvereisten None Doelstelling Analyze the problem your stakeholder wants your product to solve Examine problems to solve (not solutions to implement) Analyze customers' and users' feedback to identify satisfaction gaps Order what assumptions to validate first Customize a hypothesis to in/validate assumptions Use the right data to gather and test the hypothesis Analyze the results of your experiments Compare/contrast your decisions with those around you Toevoeging Students learn how to: Increase user value created by deliberately designing experiments to validate assumptions about user's needs and wants Reduce waste and improve ROI by consciously only investing based on evidence gathered from validation Improve organizational collaboration and alignment by engaging with key stakeholders using data instead of opinions Unlock creativity by reframing work as problems to solve rather than tasks to execute Exameninformatie Exam information This training includes a voucher for the official, internationally recognized exam. The costs of the exam voucher are included in the price of the training. Shortly after the start of the training you will receive a voucher with which you can reserve your exam Bear in mind that you must plan your exam at least 5 working days in advance For more info check: https://academy.capgemini.nl/en/topic/exams-capgemini-academy Exam Guarantee We have full confidence in the quality of our training. Therefore, if you take this training in our open schedule, we offer an exam guarantee. This means that you can retake the training for free, and you'll receive a complimentary exam voucher if you don't pass the exam on your first attempt. The following conditions apply: You attended the entire training. You took the first exam within 2 weeks after the training, according to the scrum.org conditions. There is a maximum of 1 year between your initial training and the free training. Exam duration (minutes): 30 % extra time for non-native speakers: 0 Number of exam questions: 20 Minimum correct questions: 17 Exam style: Multiple choice Open book: Yes
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Certified ESG Compliant M&A Expert, Financieel, insolventie en ondernemingsrecht

Duurzaamheid en sociale verantwoordelijkheid zijn cruciaal voor het succes van moderne bedrijfsstrategieën. Het Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)-raamwerk is onmisbaar en speelt daarom ook een steeds prominentere rol bij fusies en overnames.  De opleiding Certified ESG Compliant M&A Expert biedt je inzicht en handvatten waarmee je M&A-transacties succesvol beheert met volledige naleving van ESG-criteria (Environmental, Social & Governance). Na het volgen van de opleiding weet je ESG-risico’s te minimaliseren en waarde toe te voegen aan transacties. De opleiding is ontwikkeld in samenwerking met juridische, financiële en fiscale M&A experts van Pellicaan Advocaten, RSM en Forvis Mazars.  Waarom deze opleiding?In de opleiding leer je alles over hoe ESG het M&A proces beïnvloedt en hoe je dat in de praktijk aanpakt. De opleiding voorziet in inzicht, praktijkvoorbeelden en casuïstiek om de impact van ESG, waaronder de CSRD en de EU Taxonomie, evenals de uitdagingen in de waardeketen, op het volledige M&A-proces te begrijpen.  Door een goed gedefinieerde ESG Due Diligence Scope te implementeren, zorg je ervoor dat alle relevante ESG-risico’s en -kansen grondig worden beoordeeld en opgenomen in de M&A-transactie. Dit helpt niet alleen om risico’s te beperken, maar voegt ook waarde toe aan de transactie door duurzaamheid en maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid te  bevorderen. Dag 1 (19 juni) - ESG-landschap / ESG-team Dag 2 (20 juni) - Due Diligence Scoping / Risks / Data / Transaction documentation  Dag 3 (26 juni) - ESG Compliant Valuation Dag 4 (27 juni) - Tax & ESG / Reporting / Post-acquisition ESG integration 3 Juli - ESG Compliant M&A Examen (10.00-12.00 uur)
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