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53.712 resultaten

Private Japanese course 24 lessons * 80 minutes

Online ma 30 sep. 2024 en 9 andere data
This course provides 24 private Japanese lessons (delivered via Teams/Zoom) which you can book flexibly with your teacher. This private course is suitable for all language levels (CEFR A1-C2). Upon registering, EF will contact you to provide your needs and availability. Based on your needs and availability, you will be matched to a suitable, native and qualified EF teacher. The teacher will contact you and you will schedule your lessons directly with your teacher. Each lesson takes 80 minutes. Most participants schedule one lesson per week, but if you want a more intensive schedule, you can discuss this with your teacher. Your teacher will tailor the course to your level and your individual needs. At the end of the course the teacher will provide a personalized report, including your end level and qualitative feedback to help you improve even further. If you have any questions or feedback, please first discuss this with your teacher. If needed, you can contact archipel@hultef.com for any other questions.
max 100

Private Norwegian course 12 lessons * 80 minutes

Online ma 30 sep. 2024 en 9 andere data
This course provides 12 private Norwegian lessons (delivered via Teams/Zoom) which you can book flexibly with your teacher. This private course is suitable for all language levels (CEFR A1-C2). Upon registering, EF will contact you to provide your needs and availability. Based on your needs and availability, you will be matched to a suitable, native and qualified EF teacher. The teacher will contact you and you will schedule your lessons directly with your teacher. Each lesson takes 80 minutes. Most participants schedule one lesson per week, but if you want a more intensive schedule, you can discuss this with your teacher. Your teacher will tailor the course to your level and your individual needs. At the end of the course the teacher will provide a personalized report, including your end level and qualitative feedback to help you improve even further. If you have any questions or feedback, please first discuss this with your teacher. If needed, you can contact archipel@hultef.com for any other questions.
max 100

Private Norwegian course 24 lessons * 80 minutes

Online ma 30 sep. 2024 en 9 andere data
This course provides 24 private Norwegian lessons (delivered via Teams/Zoom) which you can book flexibly with your teacher. This private course is suitable for all language levels (CEFR A1-C2). Upon registering, EF will contact you to provide your needs and availability. Based on your needs and availability, you will be matched to a suitable, native and qualified EF teacher. The teacher will contact you and you will schedule your lessons directly with your teacher. Each lesson takes 80 minutes. Most participants schedule one lesson per week, but if you want a more intensive schedule, you can discuss this with your teacher. Your teacher will tailor the course to your level and your individual needs. At the end of the course the teacher will provide a personalized report, including your end level and qualitative feedback to help you improve even further. If you have any questions or feedback, please first discuss this with your teacher. If needed, you can contact archipel@hultef.com for any other questions.
max 100

Private Swedish course 12 lessons * 80 minutes

Online ma 30 sep. 2024 en 9 andere data
This course provides 12 private Swedish lessons (delivered via Teams/Zoom) which you can book flexibly with your teacher. This private course is suitable for all language levels (CEFR A1-C2). Upon registering, EF will contact you to provide your needs and availability. Based on your needs and availability, you will be matched to a suitable, native and qualified EF teacher. The teacher will contact you and you will schedule your lessons directly with your teacher. Each lesson takes 80 minutes. Most participants schedule one lesson per week, but if you want a more intensive schedule, you can discuss this with your teacher. Your teacher will tailor the course to your level and your individual needs. At the end of the course the teacher will provide a personalized report, including your end level and qualitative feedback to help you improve even further. If you have any questions or feedback, please first discuss this with your teacher. If needed, you can contact archipel@hultef.com for any other questions.
max 100

Private Swedish course 24 lessons * 80 minutes

Online ma 30 sep. 2024 en 9 andere data
This course provides 24 private Swedish lessons (delivered via Teams/Zoom) which you can book flexibly with your teacher. This private course is suitable for all language levels (CEFR A1-C2). Upon registering, EF will contact you to provide your needs and availability. Based on your needs and availability, you will be matched to a suitable, native and qualified EF teacher. The teacher will contact you and you will schedule your lessons directly with your teacher. Each lesson takes 80 minutes. Most participants schedule one lesson per week, but if you want a more intensive schedule, you can discuss this with your teacher. Your teacher will tailor the course to your level and your individual needs. At the end of the course the teacher will provide a personalized report, including your end level and qualitative feedback to help you improve even further. If you have any questions or feedback, please first discuss this with your teacher. If needed, you can contact archipel@hultef.com for any other questions.
max 100

Private Danish course 12 lessons * 80 minutes

Online ma 30 sep. 2024 en 9 andere data
This course provides 12 private Danish lessons (delivered via Teams/Zoom) which you can book flexibly with your teacher. This private course is suitable for all language levels (CEFR A1-C2). Upon registering, EF will contact you to provide your needs and availability. Based on your needs and availability, you will be matched to a suitable, native and qualified EF teacher. The teacher will contact you and you will schedule your lessons directly with your teacher. Each lesson takes 80 minutes. Most participants schedule one lesson per week, but if you want a more intensive schedule, you can discuss this with your teacher. Your teacher will tailor the course to your level and your individual needs. At the end of the course the teacher will provide a personalized report, including your end level and qualitative feedback to help you improve even further. If you have any questions or feedback, please first discuss this with your teacher. If needed, you can contact archipel@hultef.com for any other questions.
max 100

Private Danish course 24 lessons * 80 minutes

Online ma 30 sep. 2024 en 9 andere data
This course provides 24 private Danish lessons (delivered via Teams/Zoom) which you can book flexibly with your teacher. This private course is suitable for all language levels (CEFR A1-C2). Upon registering, EF will contact you to provide your needs and availability. Based on your needs and availability, you will be matched to a suitable, native and qualified EF teacher. The teacher will contact you and you will schedule your lessons directly with your teacher. Each lesson takes 80 minutes. Most participants schedule one lesson per week, but if you want a more intensive schedule, you can discuss this with your teacher. Your teacher will tailor the course to your level and your individual needs. At the end of the course the teacher will provide a personalized report, including your end level and qualitative feedback to help you improve even further. If you have any questions or feedback, please first discuss this with your teacher. If needed, you can contact archipel@hultef.com for any other questions.
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Private Finnish course 12 lessons * 80 minutes

Online ma 30 sep. 2024 en 9 andere data
This course provides 12 private Finnish lessons (delivered via Teams/Zoom) which you can book flexibly with your teacher. This private course is suitable for all language levels (CEFR A1-C2). Upon registering, EF will contact you to provide your needs and availability. Based on your needs and availability, you will be matched to a suitable, native and qualified EF teacher. The teacher will contact you and you will schedule your lessons directly with your teacher. Each lesson takes 80 minutes. Most participants schedule one lesson per week, but if you want a more intensive schedule, you can discuss this with your teacher. Your teacher will tailor the course to your level and your individual needs. At the end of the course the teacher will provide a personalized report, including your end level and qualitative feedback to help you improve even further. If you have any questions or feedback, please first discuss this with your teacher. If needed, you can contact archipel@hultef.com for any other questions.
max 100

Private Finnish course 24 lessons * 80 minutes

Online ma 30 sep. 2024 en 9 andere data
This course provides 24 private Finnish lessons (delivered via Teams/Zoom) which you can book flexibly with your teacher. This private course is suitable for all language levels (CEFR A1-C2). Upon registering, EF will contact you to provide your needs and availability. Based on your needs and availability, you will be matched to a suitable, native and qualified EF teacher. The teacher will contact you and you will schedule your lessons directly with your teacher. Each lesson takes 80 minutes. Most participants schedule one lesson per week, but if you want a more intensive schedule, you can discuss this with your teacher. Your teacher will tailor the course to your level and your individual needs. At the end of the course the teacher will provide a personalized report, including your end level and qualitative feedback to help you improve even further. If you have any questions or feedback, please first discuss this with your teacher. If needed, you can contact archipel@hultef.com for any other questions.
max 100

Google Ads fundamentals

Zoom vr 11 okt. 2024
De rol van de SEA specialist in 2024 verschilt sterk van die van 10 jaar geleden. Dit betekent niet dat de SEA specialist minder relevant is. Integendeel, de rol is belangrijker dan ooit, maar ziet er anders uit. Het is belangrijk om het algoritme de juiste input en context te geven om optimaal te functioneren. Upgrade tijdens deze training je Google Ads vaardigheden. Leer over brede zoekwoorden, cross-network campagnes zoals Performance Max, geautomatiseerde biedstrategieën en de integratie van AI. Voor wie is deze training? Deze training richt zich op junior tot medior SEA-specialisten met ongeveer 1-3 jaar ervaring. Je bent bekend met het opzetten en beheren van één of meerdere Google Ads accounts. Of je nu werkt voor meerdere klanten of verantwoordelijk bent voor het beheer van het Google Ads account van je werkgever, deze training biedt de volgende stap in je SEA-carrière. Omschrijving In deze training komen alle fundamentele aspecten van een Google Ads account aan bod. Er wordt ingegaan op conversiemeting, semantisch zoekwoordonderzoek, dynamische remarketing en de selectie van campagnetypes. Verder behandelen we data-driven campagne segmentatie en de creatie van aangepaste kolommen voor beter inzicht in prestaties. Inclusief Google Tag Manager voor de verrijking van de Google Tag. Alle relevante middelen en technieken worden besproken om een grondig begrip van Google Ads te bieden.
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