Opleiding: SAFe® Agile Product Management (APM)

Korte beschrijving

Design Thinking, Data Driven Market Research, Innovation Games, Market Segmentation, Personas, Product Strategy & Vision, Journey Mapping, Roadmaps, Value, costing & pricing.


This training is primarily intended for:
This course is the official SAFe course and is delivered by certified trainers. The SAFe Agile Product Manager (APM) certification exam is included in the course. The cost of the exam is part of the course price. You will take this online exam at a time and place of your own choice, but within 30 days of the course. In the Scaled Agile online learning environment, you will have access to an e-learning prior to attending the course and to the digital workbook that accompanies the course. You can also use this environment to take a practice test (mock exam). If this is your first SAFe training, a one-year membership to SAFe Studio is included. Through SAFe Studio, you have access to e-learnings, videos, discussion forums, toolkits and templates. We always use the latest training materials from Scaled Agile.
  • Product Managers and directors of Product Management
  • Product marketing managers, project managers, Product Owners
  • VP of Product Management, Business Owners, Business Analysts
  • User experience and customer experience professionals
  • Product leaders collaborating with Product Management, architects, subject matter experts, and business line managers


This course requires prior knowledge of agile principles and practices in general and SAFe basics in particular. A background as product owner or in product management is highly recommended.


Attendees learn:
SAFe Agile Product Management answers the questions:
  • How can I use design thinking to achieve customer centricity?
  • How do I prepare a product strategy, vision, and roadmap for my ART?
  • What are the right mindsets, skills, and tools to create successful products?
  • How to create innovation in the value stream
  • How to use design thinking to achieve desirable, feasible, and sustainable products
  • How to use product strategy to set clarity and direction for the ART
  • How to develop and evolve short-term roadmaps that result in long-term value


Exam Information:
Exam guarantee:
We have full confidence in the quality of our training. Therefore, if you take this training in our open schedule, we offer an exam guarantee. This means that you can retake the training for free, and you'll receive a complimentary exam voucher if you don't pass the exam on your first attempt.
The following conditions apply:
  • You attended the entire training.
  • You took the first exam within 2 months after the training.
  • There is a maximum of 1 year between your initial training and the free training.
  • Exam duration: 120 minutes
  • % extra time for non-native speakers: 0%
  • Number of exam questions: 60
  • Minimum to pass out of total questions: 45
  • Exam style: Multiple choice
  • Open book: No

ex. BTW
Aangeboden door
Capgemini Academy
Agile Management
SAFe Product Owner
Product Management
SAFe Agile
3 dagen
Type product
Aantal deelnemers
Max: 12
Tijden en locaties
Online Virtual
wo 4 dec. 2024
Keurmerken aanbieder
CRKBO en BTW-vrijstelling
Winnaar Beste Opleider van Nederland 2023