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53.822 resultaten

Teeltspecialist expert

DELFT di 15 okt. 2024
De wereld van de teelt verandert snel. Het is het cruciaal om op de hoogte te blijven van de nieuwste ontwikkelingen.
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Digital Information Design Foundation

Utrecht do 21 nov. 2024
De training Digital Information Design Foundation kan online of klassikaal worden gevolgd. Klassikale training vindt plaats in Utrecht, Den Haag, Amersfoort, Amsterdam of Eindhoven. Ook is in-company training of maatwerk mogelijk. Hieronder staan de nu ingeplande trainingsmogelijkheden op basis van open inschrijving. Staat uw voorkeurslocatie er niet bij? Neem dan contact op en informeer naar de mogelijkheden. Bent u verantwoordelijkheid voor (een deel van) de informatievoorziening van uw organisatie? Heeft u een rol bij: – het vertalen van de behoefte van de business naar de benodigde IT-services – het aansturen en bewaken van de daadwerkelijke levering – de coördinatie tussen de verschillende IT-leveranciers – het verrijken van IT-services waardoor voor de organisatie bruikbare informatieservices ontstaan – het samenstellen van verschillende IT-services tot integrale informatieservices – het vertalen van IT-innovaties naar mogelijkheden voor de organisatie. Dan is de training Digital Information Design voor u geschikt. Voor deze training is geen specifieke voorkennis vereist. De training Digital Information Design (DID) Foundation is de training voor iedereen die verantwoordelijk is voor de informatievoorziening. Omschrijving Digital Information Design (DID) Foundation Digital Information Design (DID) is een framework voor business informatiemanagement (BIM). DID legt relaties met andere nuttige en wijdverbreide best practices die specifiek zijn ontwikkeld om toe te passen in specifieke fasen van de ontwikkeling van business informatie services. Zoals tijdens de idee-vorming, conceptontwikkeling, specificatie, ontwerp, test, oplevering, servicemanagement en operatie, of bij het ontwikkelen en beheren van architectuurvraagstukken of bij de implementatie van hardware en software. DID is bedoeld om te sturen op de kwaliteit van informatie, en om te zorgen dat deze informatie effectief wordt ingezet. Het DID framework is ontwikkeld om te helpen tijdens het ontwerp van business informatie services om te bepalen wat je nodig hebt, en wanneer je het nodig hebt. DID kan ook worden gebruikt als een handleiding bij het bepalen welke delen van andere bestaande frameworks nuttig kunnen zijn. DID is volledig onafhankelijk van andere frameworks. Je bepaalt zelf wat je wel of niet toepast. DID helpt om die keuze te onderbouwen en om vast te stellen wat de sterke en zwakke punten zijn van je aanpak. Inhoud Training Digital Information Design (DID) Foundation De training en het examen zijn gebaseerd op het boek ‘DID in uitvoering’. Dit boek is een uitstekend hulpmiddel om Business Informatie Management te vertalen naar de dagelijkse praktijk omdat het ook uitgebreid aandacht besteed aan de operationele kant van Business Informatie Management. Programma In deze professionele, praktijkgerichte en interactieve training komen de volgende onderwerpen aan bod: 1. Doel en achtergrond van Business Informatie Management. 2. Opbouw van het DID model door middel van drijfveren, perspectieven en domeinen. 3. Governance, de besturing van en het toezicht op de organisatie 4. Strategie, het uitwerken van een toekomstbestendige informatie-strategie. 5. Verbetering, het verbeteren van de informatievoorziening 6. Operatie, de ondersteuning van gebruikersorganisatie bij het gebruik van de informatiesystemen. 7. De raakvlakken met Agile, Scrum, DevOps, Cloud en SaaS. 8. Rollen binnen BIM en het organiseren van BIM. Praktische informatie De training DID duurt 2 dagen. De kosten voor de training bedragen €900,-. Deze prijs is inclusief lesmateriaal, koffie, thee en lunch en exclusief examengeld en BTW. Wanneer u de sheets tijdens de masterclass op uw eigen device wilt meelezen, dan dient u een eigen device mee te brengen. U ontvangt digitaal lesmateriaal in uw eigen online leeromgeving. Examen Digital Information Design (DID) Foundation Het examen kan op een zelf uitgekozen datum en tijdstip worden ingepland en afgelegd. Indien u na de training het examen met goed gevolg heeft afgelegd, ontvangt u het certificaat DID Foundation. De kosten voor het examen bedragen €225,- excl. BTW.
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2 dagen

Artificial Intelligence (AI) inspiratiesessie

Artificial Intelligence (AI) inspiratiesessie. Leer in deze workshop de mogelijkheden van AI kennen. Vele kennen AI van ChatGPT of andere chatbots, maar AI is nog veel meer.  AI gaat over computersystemen die menselijke intelligentie nabootsen. Denk aan appicaties en robots die beelden kunnen herkennen, spraaktechnologie, conversatiebots en nog veel meer. In deze workshop leer je de praktische toepassingen kennen van AI en hoe het werkt. Doelgroep: Deze workshop is bedoeld voor medewerkers van alle niveaus die meer willen weten over kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) en hoe deze relevant kan zijn voor hun werk. Doelstellingen: Na afloop van de workshop: Hebben de deelnemers een basiskennis van AI en de verschillende technologieën die eronder vallen. Kunnen de deelnemers de potentiële voordelen van AI voor hun bedrijf identificeren. Kunnen de deelnemers concrete use cases voor AI in hun eigen werkstroom bedenken. Weten de deelnemers waar ze meer informatie over AI kunnen vinden. Programma: Introductie tot AI: Wat is AI? Hoe werkt het? En wat zijn de verschillende soorten AI? De impact van AI op uw bedrijf: Hoe kan AI uw bedrijfsprocessen transformeren? Welke kansen en uitdagingen brengt AI met zich mee? AI in actie: We bekijken een aantal concrete voorbeelden van hoe AI wordt gebruikt in verschillende sectoren. Brainstormsessie: De deelnemers werken in groepjes samen om use cases voor AI in hun eigen werkstroom te bedenken. Q&A: We beantwoorden alle vragen die de deelnemers nog hebben over AI. Tijdsduur: 3 uur Locatie: De workshop kan op locatie in uw bedrijf worden gegeven. Kosten: Op aanvraag Aanmelden: Heeft u interesse in deze workshop? Neem dan contact met ons op voor meer informatie of om u aan te melden. Extra informatie: De workshop kan worden afgestemd op de specifieke behoeften van uw bedrijf. We kunnen ook een meer diepgaande workshop aanbieden voor medewerkers die meer technische kennis van AI hebben. Waarom een incompany workshop AI? Er zijn veel voordelen aan het volgen van een incompany workshop AI: De workshop is afgestemd op uw bedrijf: De inhoud van de workshop wordt afgestemd op de specifieke behoeften van uw bedrijf en uw medewerkers. U kunt uw eigen vragen stellen: Tijdens de workshop is er alle gelegenheid om uw vragen over AI te stellen. U leert van experts: De workshop wordt gegeven door ervaren professionals die u alles kunnen vertellen over AI. U netwerkt met andere geïnteresseerden: De workshop is een leuke manier om te netwerken met andere medewerkers die geïnteresseerd zijn in AI. Incompany workshops AI zijn een waardevolle investering in de toekomst van uw bedrijf. Neem vandaag nog contact met ons op om uw workshop te boeken!
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9.6 (15)

Membership Site Secrets with 20 euro gift card

Membership Site Secrets **** Including a 20 euro Gift card for Amazon or Bol.com **** How To Start Membership Site Secrets That Generates Recurring Income. Get Instant Access To a 10-Part Training Series To Help You Get Ahead Even More… Download And Start Playing These Videos Tutorials Right From The Comfort Of Your Home! Discover My Membership Site Secrets. Discover The Tools You Need for Starting Membership Sites That Will Generate Recurring Monthly Income. Here’s exactly what you’ll get inside the course: Here’s what you’ll discover when you take the first step and purchase this powerful guide for how to start Membership Site Secrets that generates recurring income. You’ll learn why membership sites are so lucrative. Discover how membership sites work. Learn how to conduct research to find the right niche for your membership site. Discover the top membership platforms to use in building a membership site. Learn what it takes to set up Membership Site Secrets and how to determine your payment method. Find out the different kinds of content you can use on your membership site and how to put it together. Discover the secrets for getting the high page rank in search engines. Learn about the different strategies you can employ to get and keep more members. Discover six proven tips to triple your success. And much more! Product Description Discover My Membership Site Secrets. Discover The Tools You Need for Starting Membership Sites That Will Generate Recurring Monthly Income. Over the last several years, paid membership sites have flooded the market. The main reason for this is because of their potential to provide you with six-figure passive income with just a few hours of work a week. Not only do they offer a high profit percentage, but they are relatively quick to setup and are inexpensive to start. With more and more consumers willing to pay for information that is specific to their interests, there is no better time to start Membership Site Secrets. Here’s exactly what you’ll get inside the course: Here’s what you’ll discover when you take the first step and purchase this powerful guide for how to start Membership Site Secrets that generates recurring income. You’ll learn why membership sites are so lucrative. Discover how membership sites work. Learn how to conduct research to find the right niche for your membership site. Discover the top membership platforms to use in building a membership site. Learn what it takes to set up Membership Site Secrets and how to determine your payment method. Find out the different kinds of content you can use on your membership site and how to put it together. Discover the secrets for getting the high page rank in search engines. Learn about the different strategies you can employ to get and keep more members. Discover six proven tips to triple your success. And much more!

1k Payday Including a 20 euro Gift card

1k Payday **** Including a 20 euro Gift card for Amazon or Bol.com **** Product Description Would You Like To Discover A Shortcut To Profit From 1k Payday? Pay very close attention to this limited time special offer page… Shortcut your success with this HD VIDEO COURSE! Learn everything you need to know about using how to make 1k fast What if you could get results in the next few days, rather than months. Imagine being able to master in recurring revenue and get REAL RESULTS and much MUCH more… By downloading this video course you will be paid back tenfold when you start to learn the strategies on how to make an extra $1,000 per month. Imagine having an expert in making money online in your living room? Well, this video course is the next best thing. Step by step HD videos you can watch, re-watch, pause at any time, and follow along with. Unlock the Secrets to Building a New $1K Income Stream Online. Discover Proven Strategies and Simple Steps to Earn $1,000 Every Month from the Comfort of Your Home. Would you like to learn how to utilize the best business models in 2024? What if YOU, without any experience or expertise could create 1k extra payday? Learn the exact step-by-step method on exactly how YOU can do this! Finally learn the skill you need for success online in a crowded online space. And much MUCH more… It’s all about diversifying your income with ten unique strategies that help you earn an extra $1,000 per month. By leveraging multiple streams of income, you create a robust financial foundation that can withstand market fluctuations and personal setbacks.

The Podcast Masterclass – Spotify Edition Including a 20 euro Gift card

THE PODCAST MASTERCLASS **** Including a 20 euro Gift card for Amazon or Bol.com **** Learn and Teach the Exact Technical Process of Setting Up The Spotify Podcast Marketing Systems in Your Customers’ Businesses. Stay on the Cutting Edge With This Course and Content So, we’ve taken the time to go over those things in 20 over the shoulder videos, in less than one hour to walk through the process and give you everything you need to teach your customer how it works. Here’s what you’re going to learn: 1 – Switching From Anchor 2 – Switching Your Podcast 3 – Updating Your Spotify Setting 4 – Use AI to Assist with Your Description 5 – Update Podcast Cover Art 6 – Link Up Your Spotify Account 7 – Upload a Video Episode 8 – Updating Video Episode Details 9 – Uploading Recorded Audio to Your Spotify Account 10 – Production From Spotify Tools 11 – Record Your Audio on The Spotify Platform 12 – Episode Details 13 – Getting the App On Your Mobile Device 14 – Mobile Elements 15 – Mobile Editing Elements 16 – Adding Music to Your Episode 17 – Distributing Your Podcasts 18 – Spotify Audience Interaction Tools 19 – Spotify Based Monetization Options 20 – Spotify Analytics Tab To Track Activity 21 – Promoting the Podcast On YouTube 22 – Spotify Voice Mail Toggle On And Off Within this package you will find the following modules: Video Training Audio Training Transcripts

Activate Your True Calling - Including a 20 euro Gift card

Activate Your True Calling **** Including a 20 euro Gift card for Amazon or Bol.com **** How To Awaken Your True Purpose In Life and Do Work That You Actually Love. Get Instant Access To a 10-Part Training Series To Help You Get Ahead Even More. Download And Start Playing These Videos Tutorials Right From The Comfort Of Your Home! Are You Living Your True Purpose? Here are some signs that you aren’t living your true purpose in life… You always put others first, and never doing anything for yourself. You focus too much on your failures and put yourself down. You aren’t enjoying yourself and not living a fulfilling life. You aren’t happy with your life’s choices. You’re too afraid to take risks. You don’t wake up excited about your life. If any of these signs resonate with you, then it means that you aren’t living a purpose-filled life and haven’t found your true calling yet. Fortunately, I’ve compiled a comprehensive guide that will show you how to Activate Your True Calling in life and finally do the work that you love to do. Here’s exactly what you’ll get inside the course: Here’s what you’ll discover when you take the first step and purchase this powerful guide for awakening your true purpose in life and finally do work that you actually love to do. What exactly purpose is and the difference between your purpose and your goals. Discover the keys to finding your passion to start living the right way. Learn how to set personal goals that will fuel your purpose and allow you to live a more fulfilled life. Learn how being proactive can help you discover your true calling and allow you to live a purpose driven life. Find out why it is important to always start with the end in mind. Figure out how to leverage positive visualization to achieve your goals and accomplish your tasks so you can start living your life’s purpose. Learn how to master personal management to live a purpose-filled life. Discover the secrets to overcoming negativity so you can continue to move forward with discovering your true purpose in life. Learn how to leverage mentors and coaches to help you with your personal development And much more!

Live in the now with a 20 euro Gift card for Amazon or Bol.com

Live in the now **** Including a 20 euro Gift card for Amazon or Bol.com **** Live a Better Life by Choosing to live NOW. No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now. You will become a complete expert on this, and you’ll get everything you need inside. You Learn How to Live in the Present Moment and Enjoy it and Accept it for What it is. Let me tell you, life is never going to be perfect. Life is short. It is fragile. And if you are going to set yourself up where you will only agree to be happy when perfection enters your life, you’re setting yourself up for a big letdown. If you are in any way feeling stuck or powerless in your life, there is a solution. Here’s Just a Quick Preview Of What You’ll Discover Inside: Reclaim Your Power of Focus Rediscover the Eternal Now Design Your Niche Content System for Maximum Conversion Remember That the Big Picture is the Eternal Your Mental Self-Reclamation Blueprint Zero in on your life’s objective Get real Get Quiet Refocus Scale Plus, a whole lot more… This is the easiest way to actually start living in the moment! Are you ready to live a better life by choosing to live NOW? It’s About Time For You To Learn To LIVE In The NOW! LIVE In The NOW. Most people have forgotten the present moment. Living a life of confidence and competence thanks to the power of integrity takes time, focus and energy. What matters is you are willing to tap the power of the eternal now and the eternal present to remake your reality. You can choose to live in the NOW or The Present Moment. By understanding this skill and applying it to your life, you start slowing down the treadmill of stress and pressure in your life. You’re still running, you’re still taking care of business, you’re still being a responsible mature adult. That’s not going to go away The big difference is you become more aware, so you are able to become more content and fulfilled in the present moment. You’re no longer kicking the can down the road when it comes to your personal happiness and fulfillment. Here’s Just a Quick Preview Of What You’ll Discover Inside: Reclaim Your Power of Focus Rediscover the Eternal Now Design Your Niche Content System for Maximum Conversion Remember That the Big Picture is the Eternal Your Mental Self-Reclamation Blueprint Zero in on your life’s objective Get real Get Quiet Refocus Scale Plus, a whole lot more… This is the easiest way to actually start living in the moment!

Surefire Diet - Including a 20 euro Gift card

Surefire Diet **** Including a 20 euro Gift card for Amazon or Bol.com **** A Step-by-Step training course to Lose weight and Keep it Off, Starting Now! No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now. You will become a complete expert on this, and you’ll get everything you need inside to do the same. Processed foods are probably one of the leading killers of people who suffer from obesity in North America. There are so many dangers to processed foods. For example, they are full of hidden fats and sugars. The ingredients in processed foods are highly unnatural. They can contribute to several health problems, including hypertension and diabetes. Here’s where my advice for you comes in. Here’s Just a Quick Preview Of What You’ll Discover Inside: Tracking Your Current Diet Starting a Food Journal Getting Rid of Problem Foods Slow and Steady Wins the Race Combining Exercise for Best Results Creating a Calorie Deficit for Weight Loss Introducing Fruits and Vegetables for Weight Loss The Importance of Drinking Water for Weight Loss Lean Meats and Healthy Protein Sources Planning Meals and Other Tips and Tricks Plus, a whole lot more… This is the easiest way to actually Lose weight and Keep it Off, Starting Now! Are you ready to start losing weight today? It’s About Time For You To Lose Weight and Keep it Off, Starting Now! Everybody is looking for a miracle cure when it comes to weight loss. It can be very easy to gain weight and very difficult to get rid of once it’s there. For any diet to work, you have to first change yourself and your outlook. Losing weight is probably one of the things most Americans are concerned with. The obesity epidemic is rampant and can cause a lot of people to have many health issues and other difficulties. Weight loss has become more and more important, not just as a beauty standard or trend, but because it can be so dangerous to live your life on processed foods. Here’s Just a Quick Preview Of What You’ll Discover Inside: Tracking Your Current Diet Starting a Food Journal Getting Rid of Problem Foods Slow and Steady Wins the Race Combining Exercise for Best Results Creating a Calorie Deficit for Weight Loss Introducing Fruits and Vegetables for Weight Loss The Importance of Drinking Water for Weight Loss Lean Meats and Healthy Protein Sources Planning Meals and Other Tips and Tricks Plus, a whole lot more… This is the easiest way to actually Lose weight and Keep it Off, Starting Now!

Phoenix Rising - Including a 20 euro Gift card

Phoenix Rising **** Including a 20 euro Gift card for Amazon or Bol.com **** A Step-by-Step Guide to Pulling Yourself Up by Your Bootstraps to Succeed! No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now. You will become a complete expert on this, and you’ll get everything you need inside to do the same. What we don’t always take into consideration is the fact that a very common, and unfortunate, part of being human is failing. Whether we think we have everything figured out or not, the unforeseen obstacles that seem to insert themselves in our paths can sometimes take us by surprise. Sometimes, the setbacks that we face seem insurmountable. We might begin to believe that we failed for a reason and that there is no possible way that we could ever be the people that we want to be. We stop having confidence in ourselves and begin to believe in the worst-case scenario a lot more readily than we believe in the possibility of success. Here’s Just A Quick Preview Of What You’ll Discover Inside: Processing and Accepting Your Challenge Understanding What is Holding You Back and Facing Your Fears Accepting Adversity as a Normal Part of Life Viewing Mistakes and Setbacks as Learning Opportunities Changing Your Negative Thought Patterns Stop Fearing the Future Laying the Groundwork for Success By Working on Plan A and Plan B Surrounding Yourself with Moral Support Journaling With Gratitude The Importance of Routine and Structure Plus, a whole lot more… It is possible for all of us to rise from the ashes! It’s About Time For You To Learn How To Pull Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps to Succeed! There is a way for us to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and reclaim that lost motivation. The only true variety of failures comes from not actually trying in the first place. We can bounce back from even the most difficult situations. There comes a time in every person’s life when they have tried to make a change, and for some reason or another, that change was not successful. This can be profoundly discouraging, and even send us on a downward spiral. We are not prepared for the setbacks in childhood. We are generally given the impression that in order to have value, we have to do things right, and oftentimes, we think we have to do things right the first time. Here’s Just A Quick Preview Of What You’ll Discover Inside: Processing and Accepting Your Challenge Understanding What is Holding You Back and Facing Your Fears Accepting Adversity as a Normal Part of Life Viewing Mistakes and Setbacks as Learning Opportunities Changing Your Negative Thought Patterns Stop Fearing the Future Laying the Groundwork for Success By Working on Plan A and Plan B Surrounding Yourself with Moral Support Journaling With Gratitude The Importance of Routine and Structure Plus, a whole lot more…