Negotiating as Emotion Management


Niemand wordt geboren als ervaren onderhandelaar. Leren onderhandelen en omgaan met onze emoties in het perspectief van het civilisatieproces. Hoe hebben wij in de loop der eeuwen leren onderhandelen? En hoe leren we het nu als individu?

Voor alle lezers van ManagementSite deze aanbieding.

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Prof. dr. Willem Mastenbroek,  E-book.

  • Unique are the insights and practical suggestions to deal with emotions. Negotiating is seen as a mix of rational choice and emotional drives.
  • An approach of negotiating which brings together win-win and win-lose tactics like manipulations, deadlock and stubborn participants.
  • Tactics and do's & don'ts are tied together in a transparent framework which offers you a better grasp on the negotiating process.
  • 'Negotiating as emotion management' describes the historical  and personal development of negotiating skills. A fascinating investigation!
  • The summaries and checklists provide easy access to the content. Concepts are expressed by scales for personal feedback.

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