Persbericht: IiP's Nieuwe Manier van Werken

"I welcome this ground-breaking development. These are testing times, but the new Investors in People approach - and its expanded framework - will help organisations gain valuable and practical support. It also shows the important role that Investors in People is continuing to play in the UK's skills and productivity agenda." dat zei Lord Tony Young of Norwood Green, the Skills Minister, bij de lancering vorige week van het nieuwe Beleid dat Investors in People UK voorstaat.

& 'Testing Times' dat zijn het zeker voor de Britten. Niet alleen wat betreft het declaratiegedrag van de geachte parlementariërs maar ook v.w.b. de huidige satus van de Britse economie (nb; nagenoeg gelijk aan de Nederlandse....). Ook al heeft het IiP Model een speciale plaats ingeruimd voor Corporate Social Responsibility, het zou iets zijn voor de parlementariërs, toch ligt daar in dit nieuwe Beleid niet de 1e focus. De prioriteit ligt nu bij de 'wederopstandig' van de Britse economie, een actie waarbij het IiP Model een cruciale rol gaat spelen (nb; zoals al eerder werd voorspeld door de Commissie van Lord Leitch).

"The launch comes at a time when employers of all sizes and sectors are in increasing need of guidance and support in the face of challenges brought about by the economic downturn. New research commissioned by Investors in People UK shows that 42% of UK workers believe that their organisation could do more to make the most of its people's talent to help it through the downturn." IiP to the Rescue, zo gezegd.

Lord Tony Young of Norwood Green (nb; je wordt bijna jaloers op de namen die sommige Britten bij hun geboorte meekrijgen, 't is weer eens heel wat anders dan 'Balkenende, Bos, Rouvoet') is the Skills Minister, de Minister van Kunde. Dat departement kennen wij hier nog niet. Het is gerelateerd aan het Britse Ministerie van Economische Zaken. Overigens, er is ook een Ministerie van Onderwijs. Dat dept. heeft de naam The Department of Children, Schools and Families'.

Lord Tony introduceerde het nieuwe Beleid van IiPUK. IiPUK is daartoe aangezet door de Britse Overheid om met het IiP Model de Britse Economie NU nog meer & beter te kunnen ondersteunen; goed initiatief.

Uit het persbericht Investors in People unveils new approach:

"Investors in People UK is today launching a new approach to delivering flexible, practical and personal business improvement support to employers of all types and sizes. It is also unveiling an expanded framework to deliver depth and breadth expertise and new forms of recognition which acknowledge employers' commitment to continuous improvement.

The launch is the culmination of a two-year development programme, involving input from over 150 employers and piloting in Scotland and two UK regions. It will enable Investors in People to work closely with customers on their specific business needs, provide wider depth and breadth of support and more detailed assessment feedback on priority issues.

The launch comes at a time when employers of all sizes and sectors are in increasing need of guidance and support in the face of challenges brought about by the economic downturn. New research commissioned by Investors in People UK shows that 42% of UK workers believe that their organisation could do more to make the most of its people's talent to help it through the downturn.

Investors in People's new approach will be bolstered by the expansion of its framework from which organisations can draw according to their needs. The Investors in People Standard will now be complemented by Bronze, Silver and Gold recognition, which are designed to celebrate success as well as sign-post areas for further improvement and provide additional stretch for those who want it.

Simon Jones, Chief Executive of Investors in People UK said: "We are very excited about the benefits this new approach offers employers of all sectors and sizes, and are delighted it has received strong support from both employers and government. Customers have told us their needs are changing, and we have responded with this new, flexible approach based totally around their needs. We can act as their business improvement partner to help them through current challenges and beyond."

Under the new approach:

  • Investors in People advisors and assessors will work with individual organisations to understand their business goals and the priority areas with which Investors in People can help them.
  • Investors in People advisors and assessors will then help each customer build a development path, drawing on areas of the extended Investors in People framework most relevant to their business needs.
  • Customers will also receive tailored feedback on the issues that matter most to them and their business goals."

OK, in Nederland zijn we dan nog niet zo ver. Met 'slechts' 300+ Nl. Investor in People's hebben we nog 'wat' werk voor de boeg, maar u ziet: er staat ons ook nog veel moois aan Ontwikkeling & Rendement mét het Investors in People Model te wachten! (als we daaraan gecommitteerd zijn, tenminste......)

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