Nog Plannen voor 2009?

OK crisis of niet & het is 'pas' september maar u weet net als ik dat de 1e reserveringen al hebben plaatsgevonden voor een mooie/goede/inspirerende locatie om met z'n allen (nou ja, 'met z'n allen'....) te brainstormen over de Plannen voor 2009. Een beetje ondersteuning bij die brainstormsessie is dan altijd handig, toch?

Die ondersteuning kan komen uit IBM's recente CEO Study 'The Enterprise of the Future':

"Hungry for change. Wildly imaginative. Disruptive by nature. Totally wired to the people who matter most. To some people, this might sound like your everage teenager. In fact these are the qualities companies will need to thrive in the near future according to some 1.000+ CEO's and public sector leaders worldwide." zo opent deze Study. Hier volgt een synopsis.

  • "Hungry for Change. The Enterprise of the Future is capable of changing quickly and successfully. Instead of merely responding to trends, it shapes and leads them. Market and industry shifts are a chance to move ahead of the competition." Verandermanagement als conditio sine qua non voor de Organisatie van de Toekomst.

  • "Wildly Imaginative or Innovative Beyond Customer Imagination. The Enterprise of the Future surpasses the expectations of increasingly demanding customers. Deep collaborative relationships allow it to surprise customers with innovations that make both its customers and its own business more successful." De Organisatie van de Toekomst Investeert in Innovatie.

  • "Disruptive By Nature. The Enterprise of the Future radically challenges its business model, disrupting the basis of competition. It shifts the value proposition, overturns traditional delivery approaches and, as soon as opportunities arise, reinvents itself and its entire industry." De Organisatie van de Toekomst als Continue Lerende Organisatie.

  • "Totally wired to the People Who Matter Most or Genuine, Not Just Generous. The Enterprise of the Future goes beyond philanthropy and compliance and reflects genuine concern for society in all actions and decisions." Geen 'Ivoorkust' meer dus, voor de Organisatie van de Toekomst.

De bovenstaande 4 Punten vormen de Kern uit het rapport dat recent ontstond nadat IMB meer 1.000 eindverantwoordelijken liet bevragen naar hun gedachten over de Organisatie van de Toekomst. & U weet het: de Toekomst, die start morgen!

Overigens, er is nog 1 Punt meer dat de CEO's aanhaalden:

  • "Globally Integrated. The Enterprise of the Future is integrating to take advantage of today's global economy. Its business is strategically designed to access the best capabilities, knowledge and assets from wherever they reside in the world and apply them wherever required in the world." Niet meer alleen maar Samen, & dat ook nog eens Wereldwijd.

Vragen, die u zichzelf & uw organisatie kan stellen bij deze Punten, zijn:

  • Hungry for Change: Does your organization have a healthy appetite for change? Have you seeded your organization with visionary challengers and provided them with the freedom to effect meaningful change? Do you manage change as a structured program and measure change management effectiveness? Do you have robust processes in place to incubate new product, service and business model concepts - and redirect investment when required?

  • Wildly Imaginative: Which of your offerings are breaking new ground, opening entirely new segments or markets? What can you learn from them? Are you systematically evaluating potential geographic markets? How do you achieve the efficiencies of global brands, products and services while remaining locally relevant? When customer preferences shift, are you the first to understand and act on this or do your competitors react more quickly? Are you effectively integrating disparate data and systems to gain new customer insights?

  • Disruptive by Nature: Is a disruptive business model about to transform your industry? Is it more likely to come from you or your competitors? Do you spend time thinking about where the next disruption will come from? Are you watching other industries for concepts and business models that could transform your market? Are you able to create space for entrepreneurs and innovative business models while continuing to drive performance today?
  • Totally Wired to the People Who Matter Most: Do you understand your customers' Corporate Social Responsibility expectations? How are you involving them in solutions? Do you know which Non Governmental Organizations your customers listen to and are you collaborating with those groups? Have you gained insights from current green initiatives that can be applied to your broader corporate social responsibility strategy? Are you offering employees the opportunity to personally make a difference? How do you ensure that actions taken throughout the enterprise - and the extended value chain - are consistent with your CSR values and stated policies?
  • Globally Integrated: Are you effectively integrating differentiating capabilities, knowledge and assets from around the world into networked centers of excellence? Does your organization have a globally integrated business design (even if it does not have a global footprint)? Do you have a detailed plan for global partnering and Merger & Acquisition? Are you developing leaders that think and act globally? Do you nurture and support social connections to improve integration and innovation?

Deze vragen geven u al meer dan genoeg 'stof tot nadenken' (a.k.a. brainstorm) toch? Misschien verstandig om een paar brainstormdagen extra te reserveren?

Hebt u Inspiratie nodig bij/tijdens uw Brainstorm? Boek een ManagementPro Gadget & luistert/kijkt u ondertussen al vast naar deze inspirerende muziek.

NB; Het FD meldt vanochtend dat slechts 35% van de Nl. organisaties beschikt over een Strategisch Plan, de rest gaat De Jungle in Zonder Kompas. Gelukkig geldt dat niet voor u. :-)

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