'NatWest win Investors in People award at ‘Business Oscars’ . NatWest have won the Investors in People Outstanding Workplace of the Year award at this year’s National Business Awards.'
NatWest is 'the Biggest' in the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, & dit is dezelfde partij die een essentieel deel van ABNAMRO overnam: 'RBS wordt eigenaar van de BU Noord-Amerika, de BU Global Clients en de grootzakelijke klanten in Nederland en Latijns-Amerika etc.etc.'
De oud-medewerkers van ABNAMRO die nu in dienst zijn van RBS mogen tevreden zijn, dit succes van NatWest heeft haar invloed op het HR beleid van the RBS Group.
Een citaat uit het juryrapport: 'What we found particularly impressive were the increasing links between the finalists’ people strategies and bottom-line performance.'
'The National Business Awards has fast become a leading programme in recognising excellence in business achievement, innovation and success in the UK.' The National Business Awards zijn, sinds 2002, voor Britse ondernemingen net zo prestigieus als dat wat the Academy Awards zijn voor de Amerikaanse filmindustrie. Er zijn tijdens deze avond op 13 november jl. net zoals bij de Oscar© diverse categorieën. Eén van de prijzen die er te winnen is is The Investors in People Outstanding Workplace of the Year Award: 'The Outstanding Workplace of the Year award honours an organisation that has achieved outstanding success or substantial performance improvement through the design and application of an outstanding workplace development strategy.'
Het juryrapport zegt over NatWest: 'What we found particularly impressive were the increasing links between the finalists’ people strategies and bottom-line performance. This is something which Investors in People is very keen to see developed and it is this sort of approach that puts development of people firmly on the boardroom agenda.' en 'NatWest’s North Region, the biggest in the RBS group, successfully brings together business and people strategies. Corporate and social responsibility are part of the business ethos. Managers have been developing a franchise mentality among staff, while emphasising the community dimension, combined with rewards and recognition for employees going the extra mile.' Het persbericht.
Mooie resultaten, proficiat NatWest maar ook Royal Bank of Scotland. & ABN AMRO-ers die nu voor de RBS Group mogen werken: véél succes, je carrière zal daar zeker lukken!
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