Tegenwoordig is Leiderschap 'less about ideology and ideas and more about governing style and leadership ability.' Dat stelt de gerenommeerde Republican Leadership Council in zijn analyse van het Amerikaanse presidential primary process. Het zijn de 'intangible qualities on which voters are placing a higher priority than on issues.' Hoe anders was het vroeger, in de tijden van bijv. Ronald Reagan en, in dit geval opmerkelijk genoeg, Bill Clinton..... Times they are a Changing, dus.
De RLC laat zien dat kiezers hun voorkeur laten bepalen door het karakter van de kandidaat en (veel) minder door de standpunten die hij/zij vertegenwoordigd. Sterker nog: als je voor voortzetting van de oorlog in Irak bent is het goed mogelijk dat je toch je stemt uitbrengt op Obama. & Zo zijn er meer voorbeelden.
Karakter heeft zijn negatieve en zijn positieve kanten: 'Character, as our parents tell us, is what you do when you think no one is looking. Therefore, cheaters cheat; liars lie; but the converse is also true; faithful remain so and truthful tell the truth.' stelt John Baldoni in zijn commentaar op het RLC artikel.
Het is zo maar mogelijk dat u dit ook overkomt, beste manager, & wat daaraan te doen? Baldoni geeft een paar tips.
Ik citeer Baldoni ook omdat hij een interessante waarneming doet (nb: accentueringen zijn van mij):
'Within the corporate structure, character is taken for granted; it is assumed to be the cornerstone upon which the enterprise rests. Read the mission statements or values pledges of any company and you will come across phrases such as "to improve the lives of our customers" or "to improve the society in which we live." Great stuff, but is anyone really paying attention? I think not and that's why we need to remind ourselves that character does matter.'
Hoe staat het eigenlijk met de Missie van Uw Organisatie? Als ik uw medewerker, sterker nog uw manager ontmoet kan zij/hij dan De Missie vertellen? & Zo ja (nb: voorzover Uitstekend! natuurlijk) kan hij/zij ook nog uitleggen wat die Missie betekent 'in de dagelijkse praktijk'? (Hoop 't....)
Baldoni: 'For me, character, like leadership, requires action; you must act on your convictions otherwise your character lies dormant as in door mat -- flat, inert and lifeless. So how can you act on character.' Zo gezegd: 'Walk the Talk.'
OK duidelijk (toch?) maar hoe kun je meer doen met je Karakter? Sterker: hoe kun je gebruik maken van je authentieke karakter? Baldoni 'Consider the following questions:
=> Do people know what the organization stands for? Take the lofty vision or mission statements. Are they nice sounding words that describe what the organization does? Or are they nice-sounding words that look good on posters but not in real life? If there is a disconnect between vision and values then it is hard for people to believe that the company stands for anything. When that happens, people go through the motions on matters of character. They do not automatically cheat or lie, but do not go out of their way to serve their customers or even each other.
=> Do people believe that ethics in the organization matter? People know that legal transgressions will get them in trouble. But what about the guy who climbs over others to get the big promotion? Do bosses who demean others, and throw their people under the proverbial bus, get rewarded? And what about the huge pay packages for CEOs who are rewarded regardless of corporate performance while others in the company receive no bonuses? When these things happen, employees quickly realize that ethics are platitudes; they sound good but no one pays attention.
=> Do people believe that you are standing on character? In other words, what are you doing to set the right example? This covers standing up for the team, focusing on the issues, and getting things done. It also includes the people-development side of management, coaching and mentoring, and pushing for career and professional opportunities for your people. Respected managers are known for doing these things.
Als de mensen in uw (werk)omgeving deze vragen positief beantwoorden dan bent u met het (be)nutten van uw (nb: in de ogen van anderen Prettige) Karakter al een 'Heel Eind op de Goede Weg'.
Da's fijn want vergeet u niet: 'Managers-with-Character teach good example because they live it. That is character to be recognized because it does make a difference, sometimes one individual at a time.' & Dat beseffen Clinton, Obama, McCain en Huckabee héél goed.
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