Eenvoud Complexiteit II

Gisteren introduceerde ik hier Ron Ashkenas' Simplicity-Minded Management. Hoe kunnen we complexe organisaties veranderen in entiteiten waar het er allemaal een stuk simpeler, een stuk eenvoudiger aan toe gaat? Simpele Organisaties, in structuur that is(!), waar ook nog eens veel efficiënter wordt gewerkt én dat ook nog eens met betere resultaten! Wie wil dat niet?

De voorstellen van Ashkenas zijn: Make Simplification a Goal not a Virtue, Simplify the Organizational Structure, Prune and Simplify Products and Services, Discipline Business and Governance Processes, Simplify Personal Patterns.

Maar voordat u nu gaat veranderen, op weg naar Simplicity, is het fijn om te weten hoeveel werk, hoeveel inspanning dit vraagt aan u / uw organisatie. 'Waar staan wij op de meetlat van Complexiteit?' Daarvoor ontwikkelde Ashkenas een Test!

What's your Organization's Complexity Quotient?

The quiz below can help you gauge your own organization's complexity. If your score looks alarmingly high, start developing your own strategy of simplicity. If your score suggests that you have complexity under control, give yourself a pat on the back-but don't rest for long. The forces of complexity are constantly at work, and their effects could creep into your business at any time.

How easily can you draw a picture of your organization's structure-the major business units, functions, and geographies?

__ A It's simple and straightforward

__ B It takes a little explanation

__ C I would need a computer-aided-design program

How many organizational layers are there between the CEO and first-line workers?

__ A Seven or fewer

__ B Eight to ten

__ C More than ten

How many committees or councils do you have that either review or make significant business decisions?

__ A Five or fewer

__ B Six to ten

__ C More than ten

How many products and services does your organization offer?

__ A A manageable number

__ B A few more than we need

__ C Way too many

If you could streamline your company's product or service lines without reducing profitability, how many SKUs (or equivalents) would you eliminate?

__ A Just a few

__ B About 15%

__ C About 25%

How many months does it take for your organization to create its budget for the next fiscal year?

__ A Less than two months

__ B Two to four months

__ C A good part of the year

How long does it take for your finance department to officially "close" the books at the end of each reporting period?

__ A Less than one week

__ B One to three weeks

__ C Three weeks to forever

How many people do potential senior hires need to meet in your organization before offers are extended?

__ A Just a few

__ B Four to eight

__ C Almost everyone

To what extent can employees clearly and accurately describe the strategy of your firm?

__ A Everyone can do it

__ B Many can describe the strategy

__ C Not too many can describe it well

To what extent do you retire old products or features when new products or features are introduced?

__ A This is our regular practice

__ B We do it some of the time

__ C We rarely think about doing this

How much time do your senior managers spend in meetings?

__ A Less than 25% of their time

__ B About half their time

__ C Most of their time

If you personally were given the power to reorganize your company (or your part of it) and you had an incentive to improve productivity at the same time, what is the minimum number of people you would need compared with what you have now?

__ A 100% of the current head count

__ B About 85% of the current staff

__ C 75% or less of the current staff

Whenever you need to get approval for a capital expense or policy modification, how clear are you about how to make it happen?

__ A I know exactly how to make it happen

__ B I have a reasonable idea of what to do

__ C I'm not really sure how to go about it

When a dispute arises between functions or departments, or with a customer, how quickly is it resolved?

__ A Right away

__ B Within a week

__ C Seems as if it drags on forever

If the unnecessary complexity in your company were eliminated, how much of an increase in productivity might be possible?

__ A None

__ B Some

__ C A great deal

Scoring: Give yourself one point for every A answer, two points for every B, and three points for every C, and total them up. Then see where you fall on the scale below.

15-25: Normal complexity: You're in good shape-maintain vigilance.

26-35: Creeping complexity: You're heading for trouble-start working on simplification.

36-45: Too much complexity: Your productivity is suffering-focus hard on simplification.

Eenvoudig, toch? ;-)

(interesse in meer tests? bestel dan: 'Wordt een ManagementPro')

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Willem Mastenbroek
"Reduceer complexiteit",  gouden vuistregel! Handige check-list! Komt Ron Ashkenas nog met een visie op "De Simpele Organisatie? Het aantal "organizational layers" in zijn checklist doet mij vermoeden dat hij vooral denkt aan grote concerns die het pyramide-model volgen. Dan zit men al op de route naar toenemende complexiteit. Een platte netwerk organisatie verschaft een veel betere basis voor KIS.