De EU organisatie CEDEFOP presenteert vandaag het rapport 'An Agenda for new skills and jobs: A European contribution towards full employment - Communication from the Commission'. Het is een rapport met actuele thema's voor Human Resources Management. Beter gezegd: het zijn uitdagingen die er aankomen, Grote Uitdagingen die er zelfs al zijn! Ga er maar aan staan.
Eerst even een korte inleiding: CEDEFOP zet zich al jaren in om werkgelegenheid en scholing in de EU 'op gang te krijgen'. Al die inspanningen leveren echter bitter weinig resultaat op bij de lidstaten, niets anders dan een heleboel 'goede bedoelingen'...... Maar de situatie wordt er voor de EU niet beter op. 15/11 jl. besprak ik hier het onderzoek van IBM over de globalisering van de HR. CEDEFOP blijft met dit rapport dichter bij huis & inderdaad: het is handig als we eerst ons eigen huis op orde hebben voordat we ons zorgen gaan maken over dat wat er buiten de deur allemaal gebeurt. :-o
CEDEFOP: "The European Union has agreed on an employment rate target for women and men of 75% for the 20-64 years age group by 2020: an ambitious commitment to the sustainability of Europe’s social model, welfare systems, economic growth and public finances."
Eenvoudig gezegd wil de EU in staat zijn om het bestaande welzijnniveau te handhaven (nb; dan hebben we het nog niet eens over zoiets als 'economische groei'.....) dan dient 75% van de werkzame bevolking daarvoor volledig te worden ingezet in het arbeidsproces.
"Bridging the gap to the target will be no easy task. The crisis has brought the employment rate down to 69%, and the unemployment rate up to 10%; assuming the labour market stabilises in 2010-2011, achieving an employment rate of 75% by 2020 will require an average employment growth slightly above 1% per annum.
With declining fertility rates, the EU working age population (15-64) will start shrinking as early as 2012; even with continuing immigrant flows.
A skilled workforce is an essential asset to develop a competitive, sustainable and innovative economy in line with Europe 2020 goals. In times of budgetary constraints and unprecedented global competitive pressures, EU employment and skills policies that help shape the transition to a green, smart and innovative economy must be a matter of priority." Je kan die 75% wel in willen zetten maar beschikken zij daarmee ook over de gewenste/noodzakelijke Kennis & Kunde? Twijfelachtig dus: PRIORITEIT, inderdaad.
Wat CEDEFOP voorstelt is in het kort:
"First, better functioning labour markets. Structural, chronically high unemployment rates represent an unacceptable loss of human capital: they discourage workers and lead to premature withdrawal from the labour market and to social exclusion. Flexicurity policies are the best instrument to modernise labour markets: they must be revisited and adapted to the post-crisis context, in order to accelerate the pace of reform, reduce labour market segmentation, support gender equality and make transitions pay.
Second, a more skilled workforce, capable of contributing and adjusting to technological change with new patterns of work organisation. This is a considerable challenge, given the rapidly-changing skills needed, and the persistent skills mismatches in EU labour market. Investment in education and training systems, anticipation of skills needs, matching and guidance services are the fundamentals to raise productivity, competitiveness, economic growth and ultimately employment.
Third, better job quality and working conditions. There is no trade-off between quality and quantity of employment: high levels of job quality in the EU are associated with equally high labour productivity and employment participation. Working conditions and workers’ physical and mental health need to be taken into account to address the demands of today’s working careers, which are characterised by more transitions between more intense and demanding jobs and by new forms of work organisation.
Fourth, stronger policies to promote job creation and demand for labour. It is not enough to ensure that people remain active and acquire the right skills to get a job: the recovery must be based on job-creating growth. The right conditions to create more jobs must be put in place, including in companies operating with high skills and R&D intensive business models. Selective reductions of non-wage labour costs, or well-targeted employment subsidies, can be an incentive for employers to recruit the long-term unemployed and other workers drifting from the labour market. Policies to exploit key sources of job creation and to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment are also essential to increase employment rates."
De thema's die CEDEFOP aangeeft zijn niet alleen politieke thema's. Het vraagt om inzicht, om moed maar ook om slim & alert handelen om deze thema's te vertalen naar het HR Beleid van je organisatie. Ook dat zal HARD nodig zijn! Wachten op de Politiek? Dan ben je al te laat.....
Jouw organisatie wil toch ook een preferred employer zijn voor die steeds schaarser wordende talenten? (ik hoop 't tenminste) Aan de slag dan!
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