Ik ben sinds enige jaren als hobby en als vakgebied (naast ICT en bedrijfskunde) bezig met kennismanagement. Mijn bevindingen zijn dat er veel "gesproken" wordt binnen kleine en grote organisatie over kennismanagement. Echter de implementatie en daarop volgend "het beheer" van kennismanagement is geen eenvoudige opgave.
Yacht ICT heeft, als eerste in Nederland, in mijn ogen een tool ontwikkeld om kennismanagement te beheren. Het bedrijf heeft "een zelfreinigend systeem" ontwikkeld ten behoeve van kennismanagement. Het systeem staat nog in zijn "kinderschoenen", maar heeft net als deze site, veel mogelijkheden in zich.
Wat ik merk is dat kennismanagement een veel besproken onderwerp is, ook door hoogleraren, maar dat de implementie op systeemniveau en de doorvoering binnen "eigen"organisati...
Knowedge managment is, as you have so eliquently stated a topic of today as well as a hope and ideal for the future. Being a university student in England i believe this topic to be one of the most interesting of the ones i have learnt about to this date. I believe it vital to stimulate the idea of retaining the knowledge (differing from simple information) created within every organisation, as to cut painstaking tasks short by learning from the knowldge of the past. In order for this to be possible, however, one needs to be able to identify true value added knowlede and differentiate this from simple information. Furthermore one must have adequate facilities, that is IT networks, where it is easy to present the knowledge worth while documenting. Clearly this will need a sophisticated database and network which are well managed and easy to manipulate. It is my belief that this is where the problem lies in many companies. The knowledge which exists is not easily captured and most definatly not easily placed in to a location where people can USE it i.e on the network database. As fare as measuring how high or how low the levels of knowlede are within an organzation i believe this to be irrelivant. More important is that the knowledge which is there is documented and useful to the work force as a whole so that everyone learns and gains in the long run.
kind regards
Jeroen Wijnants