creating a new kind of team
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work in a teamthat speaks different languages, eats and sleeps at differenttimes, and has different views on the world and getting thingsdone? A Virtual Networked Team [VNT] includes all the abovecharacteristics, born of a blend of different cultures, businessperspectives and motivations and enabled by Knowledge Managementapproaches.
Globalisation, increased competition, shorter time to market andpressure to innovate are some of the drivers for organisations toadopt a knowledge-based culture. One of the consequences of this isthe need to change organisational structures and behaviour:creating VNT's for specific purposes is one way of achieving thenecessary organisational change.
This brief article aims to explore ...
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At this moment I am establishing a virtual network team for architecture/townplanning etc. in the Netherlands
The reason for doing this, is the fact, that a lot of possibilities and talents are being lost, because of the fragmentation of the buildingproces, burocracy, etc. Now there are new software programmes for virtual offices available, which makes the communicationprocesses a lot quicker, easier and controllable.
I would be glad, if there are possibilities to communicate with you about how to establish such an organisation.
Yours sincerely,
M.P. van Mourik
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