Until recently psychology has mainly been working within a disease model: a strong emphasis has been placed on discovering deficits in human behavior and finding ways to repair this damage. Psychologist hardly focused on in doing studies acquiring knowledge about healthy functioning and building strengths. In other words: they have focused solely on taking away something negative (the disfunctioning) instead of adding something positive (increasing mental and behavioral health). The result: psychologist know little about healthy and happy functioning. This situation has been changing now since the rise of positive psychology a few years ago. What is Positive Psychology? It is a new movement in psychology, originated by Martin Seligman and a few other prominent psycholog...
Psychology is taking a positive turn
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Seligman's newest book has opened. This is the link:
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On the site this description is found of POS: an exciting new movement in organizational studies that draws on path-breaking work in the organizational and social sciences. It focuses on the dynamics that lead to developing human strength, producing resilience and restoration, fostering vitality, and cultivating extraordinary individuals, units and organizations. Positive Organizational Scholarship is based on the premise
that understanding how to enable human excellence in organizations will unlock potential, reveal possibilities, and facilitate a more positive course of human and organizational welfare. POS does not adopt one particular theory or framework, but it draws from the full spectrum of organizational theories to understand, explain, and predict the occurrence, causes, and consequences of extraordinary individual, unit, and organizational performance. At its core, Positive Organizational Scholarship investigates "positive deviance," or the ways in which organizations and their members flourish and prosper in extraordinary ways. Indeed, the discipline's name embodies the core values of the
movement. "Positive" addresses the discipline's affirmative bias. "Organizational" focuses on the processes and conditions that occur in organizational contexts. "Scholarship" reflects the rigor, theory, scientific procedures and precise definition in which the approach is grounded.
Here is the URL: http://www.bus.umich.edu/Positive/Default.htm
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