Opleiding: Hardware Configuration and Definition (HCD) for z/OS [TDS_ES96G]
This course is designed to teach you how to use the Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) of z/OS to create an I/O configuration and dynamically alter the I/O configuration.
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After this course participants should be able to:
- Describe new zSeries processor technology
- Code new zSeries processors (z990 to z10)
- Code ESCON channels and ESCON CTCs
- Code FICON channels and FICON CTCs
- Code Coupling Facilities (CF) and CF links
- Code cascaded FICON Director
- Create an IODF work file on a z processor from scratch
- Use CHPID mapping tool to create a validated work IODF
- Use work IODF and create a production IODF
- Perform Dynamic I/O changes on a real z/OS system
- Build a LOADxx parmlib member for initial program load (IPL)
- View configuration graphically
- Create appropriate configuration reports
This course is for people responsible for maintaining the I/O configuration contained in the input/output data files (IODFs) and input/output configuration data sets (IOCDs) at their z/OS installation.
Day 1
- (00:30) Welcome
- (01:00) Unit 1: HCD introduction
- (00:30) Unit 2: IOCP and MVSCP macro review
- (00:30) Unit 3: HCD dialog
- (01:00) Unit 4: LPAR and logical control units
- (02:00) Unit 5: ESCON Directors
- (00:15) Unit 6: OSAs, HiperSockets, and routers
- (00:30) Exercise 1: Overview of lab environment
- (00:45) Exercise 2: HCD familiarity
Day 2
- (00:30) Unit 7: Review of zSeries hardware
- (01:30) Unit 8: z990, z9, z10, and HCD
- (01:00) Unit 9: FICON, FICON CTCs, and FICON directors
- (03:00) Exercise 3: Coding a zSeries 2094
- (06:00) Exercise 4: Add ESCON directors to your configuration
- (00:30) Exercise 5: Add FICON directors to your configuration (optional)
Day 3
- (01:00) Unit 10: Planning and migration
- (01:00) Unit 11: IPL and LOADxx member
- (00:45) Unit 12: Dynamic I/O reconfiguration
- (00:30) Exercise 6: Incremental migration from IOCP deck (optional)
- (00:30) Exercise 7: Building a LOADxx member
- (01:00) Exercise 8: Perform dynamic I/O
Day 4
- (01:00) Unit 13: z10 HCD and using CMT
- (01:00) Unit 14: ESCON CTCs for sysplex
- (00:45) Unit 15: HCD and parallel sysplex
- (00:45) Exercise 9: Coding a 2097 using the CMT
- (00:30) Exercise 10: Coding CFs and CF links including z10 CIB links
- (00:20) Exercise 11: Coding sysplex CTCs (optional)