Opleiding: Telecoms Transformation Strategies

Telecoms operators are caught in a perfect storm. Revenues and profits are stagnating, but customers still expect operators to invest heavily in their network and systems to deliver higher speeds, more ubiquitous coverage, innovative offerings and a better customer experience. Without digital transformation to make operators more agile and efficient and more able to launch new services, the telecoms operator business will inevitably continue to suffer declines in revenues, profits and relevancy

The concept of transformation is not new; indeed, companies have always had to change, innovate and adapt. What has changed is that now digital technologies are driving a paradigm shift in customer and employee expectations. Today’s customers choose to engage with organisations that can provide them with a personalized, hassle-free and complete experience. Digital transformation is now an imperative, it used to be a case of the “big ate the small”, now it’s a case of the “fast eat the slow” and focused, prioritized digital transformation is the means to put the Telco in the right position to not only survive, but to thrive in the bold new digital world.

This 3 day course, which is aimed at functional managers at all levels across the business will de-mystify Digital Transformation. We take a holistic view as to what, why, when and how to start your transformation initiative, with sound, proven reasoning and industry insights based on the latest use cases and research. The instruction format is very “hands on”, as students personally build all the strategies, business models and canvasses needed to align themselves and their teams to the businesses totally integrated transformation strategy.

All the below listed modules are highly interactive, and each module builds on the previous one. The learning is consolidated by the use of “canvas takeaways” whereby the delegates can apply the learning to their own work environment and in doing so maximize the value of the training event.

ex. BTW
Aangeboden door
Apis Training AB
Digitale transformatie
4 dagen
Type product
Aantal deelnemers
Min: 1
Max: 20
Tijden en locaties
di 12 nov. 2024