Opleiding: GenAI for Software Engineers

Korte beschrijving

Unlock the power of Generative AI to revolutionize your software engineering projects.


This training is suitable for:
  • Software Engineers: To enhance AI integration in projects.
  • DevOps Engineers: To streamline deployment of AI-driven applications.
  • IT Professionals: To stay updated with cutting-edge AI developments.
  • System Architects: To design AI-integrated software systems.


Participants should have a foundational understanding of software engineering principles and basic knowledge of Generative AI concepts.
You must bring a laptop that can run software via a browser.


After this training you will be able to:
  • Define key concepts and techniques in Generative AI.
  • Analyze and evaluate the applications of generative models in software engineering.
  • Implement natural language processing techniques in software projects.
  • Optimize software performance with AI tools and frameworks.
  • Integrate Generative AI solutions into existing software systems.
  • Design innovative AI-driven software architectures.
  • Apply ethical considerations in the development and deployment of AI technologies.


In today's fast-paced tech environment, staying ahead requires more than just understanding traditional software development. Training in GenAI for Software Engineers offers the opportunity to learn how to leverage artificial intelligence to create innovative solutions and streamline complex tasks. Our expert trainers bring a practical dimension to the theoretical concepts, providing real-world insights and best practices. This blend of theory and practice ensures that you not only comprehend the intricacies of GenAI but also know how to apply these techniques effectively in your projects, driving efficiency and creativity.
This training is part of our series 'Gen AI for…' training. Trainings with similar concepts, tailored to your specific field. If you have already followed one of this series, please contact us for advice on what gives you the most added value.

ex. BTW
Aangeboden door
Capgemini Academy
1 dag
Type product
Aantal deelnemers
Max: 15
Tijden en locaties
3543 KA Utrecht
vr 29 nov. 2024
3543 KA Utrecht
vr 23 mei 2025
Keurmerken aanbieder
CRKBO en BTW-vrijstelling
Winnaar Beste Opleider van Nederland 2023