RSM: Executive Master Customs and Supply Chain Compliance

Rotterdam School of Management offers an Executive Master Customs and Supply Chain Compliance in collaboration with TU Delft and TU Eindhoven. This Master is focused on: combining safety, security and sustainability with compliance and efficiency in international trade.

The customs profession is changing. Innovative developments force customs to collaborate with business and other inspections. There is a general trend towards regulatory compliance rather than command and control. This is facilitated by information systems. You will explore and discuss these developments, and asses their value and implications for practice during the programme.

Unique content for leaders in customs and international trade
Knowledge from customs regulations, supply chain management, and logistics with information compliance, is brought together in this programme by RSM. Leaders in customs will learn to combine these topics and put this knowledge into practice to better understand and collaborate with businesses and other inspection services. During the programme, participants will learn new perspectives and change your mindset to be successful as a specialist or leader in customs.

Value of the network
RSM brings professionals from customs, business and consultancy together in this learning and working environment. They will discuss cases from different stakeholders and guest speakers will provide you with fresh perspectives and new knowledge. Participants will expand your network and build new professional relationships.

For more info, click here.


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