Oct 2-5 in Rotterdam: Economy on wheels - innovation in truck technology

The HVTT15 (Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology) offers a worldwide platform for transportation companies, researchers, policy makers, regulators, OEMs and suppliers and the transport industry, to exchange knowledge and experiences in order to support the development of a safe, sustainable, efficient and productive road freight transport. 

The conference takes place October 2-5 2018 in Rotterdam (NL). The HVTT is organized every two years by the International Forum for Road Transport Technology (IFRTT). This year a special track will be organized about innovation in city logistics.

Economy on Wheels. Fast changes, slow structures
The central question during the HVTT15 is how to integrate fast technological and socio-economic developments that affect road freight transport in existing structures: aging infrastructure, historical grown cities, established market structures and social order and ingrained habits.

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The HVTT15 in Rotterdam expects delegates from all six continents, with over 70 papers presented in three parallel sessions. The HVTT15 offers a program with interesting keynote speakers and panel discussions at plenary sessions, side events and a Young Talent Program.

Check out details here.

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