Alleen in Duitsland is de logistiek beter dan in Nederland. Dat blijkt uit een wereldwijd onderzoek van de Wereldbank onder meer dan achthonderd logistieke experts uit 150 verschillende landen. Het onderzoek leidde tot de Logistics Performance Index (LPI). Deze index meet hoe een land scoort op verschillende logistieke terreinen.
For more information:
The international score uses six key dimensions to benchmark countries' performance and also displays the derived overall LPI index. The scorecard allows comparisons with the world (with the option to display world's best performer) and with the region or income group (with the option to display the region’s or income group's best performer) on the six indicators and the overall LPI index.
The logistics performance (LPI) is the weighted average of the country scores on the six key dimensions:
1) Efficiency of the clearance process (i.e., speed, simplicity and predictability of formalities) by border control agencies, including customs;
2) Quality of trade and transport related infrastructure (e.g., ports, railroads, roads, information technology);
3) Ease of arranging competitively priced shipments;
4) Competence and quality of logistics services (e.g., transport operators, customs brokers);
5) Ability to track and trace consignments;
6) Timeliness of shipments in reaching destination within the scheduled or expected delivery time.
The scorecards demonstrate comparative performance—the dimensions show on a scale (lowest score to highest score) from 1 to 5 relevant to the possible comparison groups—of all countries (world), region and income groups.
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