LEVV’s zijn voertuigen met een elektrische aandrijving of trapondersteuning en zijn kleiner dan een bestelauto. Er komen steeds meer spelers op de markt die met LEVV’s een positie innemen in de stadslogistiek, zoals Fietskoeriers.nl, Tring Tring, Foodlogica en Bubble Post. Maar ook grote spelers zoals DHL en PostNL experimenteren met de voertuigen. En dankzij aanbieders als Easy Go Electric, Urban Arrow en Greenolution neemt het aanbod van LEVV’s steeds meer toe.
Op 22 en 23 november is in Rotterdam de Light Electric Vehicle Summit waar experts, gebruikers en aanbieders de hun ervaringen nieuwste trends bespreken in voertuigtechnologie, business modellen en inpassing van de voertuigen in de steden.
Information in English
Nowadays, mobility is a major issue in our cities. It is therefore no doubt that Light Electric Vehicles have a crucial role in the development of future cleaner and smarter cities. However, while they are clearly a lot of activities related to light electric vehicles happening all around the world, there are still many questions that need to be addressed.
The Light Electric Vehicles Summit (LEVS) is the place where stakeholders meet to:
- Learn from each other’s experience;
- Present their work and achievements;
- Find partners to develop synergies & build new projects;
- Join forces to lobby relevant authorities to get support.
LEVS aims at providing a premier and high quality global platform to foster exchange of views between R&D actors, industry, authorities, end-users and NGO’s in this field.
Seize this unique opportunity to be part of constructive discussions to build the eMobility of the future and join the 2nd LEVS, on November 22 and 23 2017 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Rotterdam is one of the most advanced cities in the world when it comes to smart mobility of which light electric vehicles are obviously an important part.
For more information about the conference and the call for papers click here.
With nearly 160 participants coming from 25 different countries and more than 70 high quality presentations, the first Light Electric Vehicle Summit in Barcelona last year was clearly a success. The Summit has achieved its objective and appointment is already made for a second edition in Rotterdam, Netherlands, November 22-23, 2017.
For more information click here.
Book your hotel on time at Booking.com.
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