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53.705 resultaten

PRINCE2® V7 Foundation e-learning

3543 KA Utrecht za 30 nov. 2024 en 3 andere data
Korte beschrijving Learn how to define and manage a project according to the PRINCE2 version 7 method, with a tailored balance between People, Principles, Practices, Processes and Project Context. Enroll now! Doelgroep Target audience for this e-learning is anyone working as a Project Manager or wanting to become a Project Manager. It is also suitable for anyone who wants to understand the terminology and application of PRINCE2 in an organization. Possible roles could be: but also, Security or Compliance Officer and Project Auditor. The training is a must for everyone wanting to pass the PRINCE2® Foundation exam based on version 7. Project leader Project Management Officer, Project participant, Project manager, Voorvereisten There are no specific prerequisites for this training. Some knowledge of or experience with working in projects is an advantage. Doelstelling Upon completion of the e-learning the participant has gained insight in all aspects of the PRINCE2 method and its application in projects, and skills in: In addition, you are prepared, after sufficient self-study (at least 20 hours), to successfully pass the PRINCE2 Foundation exam, based on version 7. Defining a business case Designing the roles in a project management team and project organization Defining a communication management approach Making a product breakdown structure and flow diagram Defining quality criteria and tolerances Setting up a Risk Analysis Exameninformatie Exam Information: This e-learning includes a voucher for the official, internationally recognized exam. The costs of the exam voucher are included in the price of the training. Shortly after the start of the training you will receive a voucher with which you can reserve your exam. Bear in mind that you must plan your exam at least 5 working days in advance. For more info check: https://academy.capgemini.nl/en/topic/exams-capgemini-academy Exam guarantee: We have full confidence in the quality of our training. Therefore, if you take this training in our open schedule, we offer an exam guarantee. This means that you can retake the training for free, and you'll receive a complimentary exam voucher if you don't pass the exam on your first attempt. The following conditions apply: You attended the entire training. You took the first exam within 2 months after the training. There is a maximum of 1 year between your initial training and the free training. Exam duration (minutes): 60 % extra time for non-native speakers: 25 Number of exam questions: 60 Minimum correct questions: 36 Exam style: Multiple choice Open book: No PRINCE2® is a registered Trade Mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS. All rights reserved.
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Lichaamstaal Solliciteren

Rotterdam di 15 okt. 2024 en 1 andere data
Succesvol Solliciteren hoe doe je dat? Welke lichaamstaal houdingen en bewegingen helpen bij het solliciteren?  In deze 1 daagse training (van 10:00 tot 16:00) wordt er aandacht besteed aan non-verbale communicatie. Er worden houdingen uitgelegd die in je voordeel en ook in nadeel kunnen werken tijdens een sollicitatiegesprek. Deze training is interactief, zo is er gelegenheid om jouw eigen lichaamstaal beter te leren kennen, wat werkt voor je en wat werkt tegen je. Daarnaast is er ook aandacht voor je totale performance en krijg je veel tips om de kans op de baan van je dromen te verkrijgen. Solliciteren doe je niet elke dag en als dan de uitnodiging voor een gesprek komt, wil je natuurlijk ook goed voorbereid zijn om de baan van je dromen te bemachtigen. Wil je niets aan het toeval overlaten? Schrijf je dan in voor deze training. Een zeer gegronde reden om aandacht te besteden aan jouw vaardigheden omtrent solliciteren. Wij nemen je mee in de do's en don'ts van de lichaamstaal die komt kijken bij persoonlijke gesprekken. Je oefent en leert in de training met gelijkgestemden in een veilige omgeving. Alles met het doel om jou sterker te maken tijdens het solliciteren. De tips die wij je verder nog mee gaan geven zijn gericht op wat je wel en niet draagt qua kleding, hoe je voorbereiding is op zo'n gesprek etc... Deze training zal gegeven worden door een expert op het gebied van lichaamstaal en interviews afnemen. Inhoud: - Leerbehoefte inventariseren - Hoe maak ik een fenomenale Eerste Indruk? - Lichaamstaal voor Solliciteren (55 houdingen die je helpen) - Voorbereiden op een sollicitatie gesprek - Uitvoeren van een sollicitatie gesprek - Afsluiten van een sollicitatie gesprek - Oefening in de praktijk - Evaluatie training
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1 dag

Lichaamstaal Master Certificatie Training

Amsterdam wo 2 okt. 2024 en 2 andere data
De Lichaamstaal Master Certificatie is een vervolg op de practitioner training. Er worden 101 nieuwe lichaamstaalhoudingen behandeld en meer diepgang in de micro expressies. OPGELET  Wanneer de Master training volgen?: Deze training is een vervolg op de Lichaamstaal Practitioner Certificatie Training, pas als je de Practitioner Opleiding gevolgd hebt kan je deelnemen aan de Master training. Na de Lichaamstaal Master Opleiding, ben je nog beter in staat om in elk gesprek de meeste oprechte emoties en gedachten van een persoon te herkennen. Na het afleggen van het examen aan het eind van de opleiding ontvang je een Certificaat Lichaamstaal Master. Tijdens deze Master Certificatie opleiding gaan wij meer oefenen en middelen aanreiken zodat je de BLINK (= Body Language Interpretations Nominology Know-how) Techniek in onder andere zakelijke gesprekken kunt toepassen. Je kan er onmiddellijk mee aan de slag. Kenmerken opleiding:  Refresh 101 interpretaties uit de Practitioner, aangevuld met 101 extra interpretaties Refresh en verdieping in de 7 Micro-Expressies voor dagelijkse toepassingen Praktische analyse van foto's en filmextracten. Intensieve oefeningen om je persoonlijke Lichaamstaal verder te verbeteren.  Inhoud opleiding:  Je leert de emoties op iemand zijn gezicht zien via herkenning van bewegingen van onder andere de lippen of de ogen (Micro-Expressies).  Hoe verborgen intenties en onbewuste informatie achterhalen Hoe werkt ons brein?  Hoe gebruik je dagelijks de kennis en interpretaties van 202 posities, houdingen en signalen in praktijk?  Intensieve oefeningen om emoties tijdens een gesprek met iemand accuraat te herkennen en weten hoe hier mee om te gaan.  Persoonlijke coaching op je eigen lichaamstaal en hoe je van het zelf verzenden van ongewenste signalen vanaf geraakt.  Zelfzekerheid oefeningen.  Leugens herkennen: Hoe merk je of iemand liegt? Hoe ga je er mee om?  De alchemie van emoties: welke onbewuste krachten drijven en motiveren personen?  Wat vraag je of vertel je in een gesprek om te geraken waar je wil Je leert de basis van de BLINK_gesprekstechniek (een enorm krachtige manier van communiceren).  Opnames maken van de toepassing van de BLINK techniek (facultatief).  Certificatie examen BLINK Techniek.  Deze training is inclusief handige hand-out, Video opname BLINK + 2x Lunch & drank + oefeningen voor thuis + Certificaat. DAG 1 Welkom, verwachtingen van de training Overzicht 101 extra posities en hun interpretaties Master deel 1 Opfrissing Micro-Expressies Lunch Overzicht BLINK™ techniek Gesprekstechniek voor analyse BLINK™ Oefenen met BLINK™ DAG 2 Terugblik op de vorige dag Lichaamstaal oefeningen Oefeningen voor gevorderden in Micro Expressies De Leugen of de Waarheid verdieping op Practitioner 12:30: Lunch Video’s van gisteren bekijken. Facultatief (op wens van jullie in te vullen) Certificatie examen Feedback, vragen en antwoorden Voor wie geschikt? Coaches en begeleiders – perfecte aanvulling op je coaching skills om anderen nog beter te helpen. Verder lukt het je beter om emoties en gedachten van hun coachee met minstens 80% zekerheid correct benoemen via BLINK™, zelfs als zegt de coachee geen woord. Verkopers/klant-experts – ontdekken wat klanten echt voelen en denken. Het toepassen van de BLINK™ maakt je gesprekken significant efficiënter  HR verantwoordelijken – achterhalen van de waarheid bij sollicitanten. Management - ontdekken hoe zij nog beter hun werknemers te motiveren en te betrekken. Via BLINK™ reacties van hun werknemers voorzien, beter anticiperen op hun noden, meer inzicht verkrijgen in hun engagement en zijn in staat om efficiënter anderen te sturen in de richting van de bedrijfsvisie Finance - nog beter achterhalen van de waarheid achter de cijfers. Je kunt emoties en gedachten met grotere zekerheid correct benoemen via BLINK™, zelfs als zegt de ander geen woord Project management - nog sneller zien of iedereen mee is en oprecht  commitment geeft aan het project.Via BLINK™ je persoonlijke- en werkrelaties enorm verbeteren, omdat je weet wat er in anderen echt omgaat Wat jij ook doet – Lichaamstaal zorgt voor meer succes in je werk, relaties en dagelijkse gesprekken. Dankzij deze opleiding ga je… nog meer kunnen zien wat iemand voelt of denkt (door 101 extra interpretaties en verdieping in het zien van de 7 Micro-Expressies), je eigen authenticiteit verder bekwamen en ontdekken hoe je deze krachtiger naar buiten kunt laten zien, overtuigender en efficiënter communiceren in elk gesprek (omdat je zaken ziet waar 99% anderen niet van bewust zijn) Verdieping in het toepassen van de BLINK™ Techniek. Vervolgstap op de Lichaamstaal Master training is in de richting van Emotionele Intelligentie; het Bluegg programma Professionele Ontwikkeling "Zie je Succes"
max 8
2 dagen

Developing on AWS plus Jam [GK910009]

Amsterdam ARISTO (Teleportboulevard 100) ma 3 feb. 2025 en 3 andere data
OVERVIEW Design and build secure, reliable, and scalable AWS-based applications. In this course, you learn how to use the AWS SDK to develop secure and scalable cloud applications using multiple AWS services such as Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Simple Storage Service, and AWS Lambda. You explore how to interact with AWS using code and learn about key concepts, best practices, and troubleshooting tips. The final day of this course is the Developing on AWS Jam, a gamified activity with teams competing to win by completing a series of hands-on challenges on the AWS platform over the course of the day. Participants will have the opportunity to develop, enhance, and validate skillsets in the AWS Cloud through real-world problem solving OBJECTIVES Set up the AWS SDK and developer credentials for Java, C#/.NET, Python, and JavaScript Interact with AWS services and develop solutions by using the AWS SDK Use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for service authentication Use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon DynamoDB as data stores Integrate applications and data by using AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), and AWS Step Functions Use Amazon Cognito for user authentication Use Amazon ElastiCache to improve application scalability Leverage the CI/CD pipeline to deploy applications on AWS Final Day of Developing on AWS Jam Hands-on format, putting learners in the driver’s seat to make decisions and solve problems in an active AWS Cloud environment to amplify understanding Develop your  skillsets in the AWS Cloud to advance your cloud adoption journey Reinforce your learning while it’s still fresh in your head AUDIENCE This course is intended for Software developers, Solution architects and IT professionals who want to improve their developing skills using AWS Services. CONTENT Day 1 Module 0: Course Overview Agenda Introductions Student resources Module 1: Introduction to AWS Introduction to the AWS Cloud Cloud scenarios Infrastructure overview Introduction to AWS foundation services Module 2: Introduction to Developing on AWS Getting started with developing on AWS Introduction to developer tools Introduction to management tools Module 3: Introduction to AWS Identity and Access Management Shared responsibility model Introduction to IAM Use authentication and authorization Module 4: Introduction to the Lab Environment Introduction to the lab environment Lab 1: Getting started and working with IAM Module 5: Developing Storage Solutions with Amazon Simple Storage Service Overview of AWS storage options Amazon S3 key concepts Best practices Troubleshooting Scenario: Building a complete application Lab 2: Developing storage solutions with Amazon S3 Day 2 Module 6: Developing Flexible NoSQL Solutions with Amazon DynamoDB Introduction to AWS database options Introduction to Amazon DynamoDB Developing with DynamoDB Best practices Troubleshooting Scenario: Building an end-to-end app Lab 3: Developing flexible NoSQL solutions with Amazon DynamoDB Module 7: Developing Event-Driven Solutions with AWS Lambda What is serverless computing? Introduction to AWS Lambda Key concepts How Lambda works Use cases Best practices Scenario: Build an end-to-end app Module 8: Developing Solutions with Amazon API Gateway Introduction to Amazon API Gateway Developing with API Gateway Best practices Introduction to AWS Serverless Application Model Scenario: Building an end-to-end app Lab 4: Developing event-driven solutions with AWS Lambda Module 9: Developing Solutions with AWS Step Functions Understanding the need for Step Functions Introduction to AWS Step Functions Use cases Day 3 Module 10: Developing Solutions with Amazon Simple Queue Service and Amazon Simple Notification Service Why use a queueing service? Developing with Amazon Simple Queue Service Developing with Amazon Simple Notification Service Developing with Amazon MQ Lab 5: Developing messaging solutions with Amazon SQS and Amazon SNS Module 11: Caching Information with Amazon ElastiCache Caching overview Caching with Amazon ElastiCache Caching strategies Module 12: Developing Secure Applications Securing your applications Authenticating your applications to AWS Authenticating your customers Scenario: Building an end-to-end app Module 13: Deploying Applications Introduction to DevOps Introduction to deployment and testing strategies Deploying applications with AWS Elastic Beanstalk Scenario: Building an end-to-end app Lab 6: Building an end-to-end app Module 14: Course wrap-up Course overview AWS training courses Certifications Day 4 Developing on AWS Jam Full day of challenges based on real-world scenarios so you can build practical skills Facilitated by an expert AWS instructor who can answer questions and give real time feedback Validate learning through reports on performance including benchmarks, completion times, and which challenges were the most difficult
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ISO/IEC 27001 Foundation eLearning Including Exam [ISO27001F-EL]

OVERVIEW Learn the basic elements to implement and manage an Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) based on ISO/IEC 27001. Language: Choice of English or French OBJECTIVES Describe the main information security management concepts, principles, and definitions Explain the main ISO/IEC 27001:2022 requirements for an information security management system (ISMS) Identify approaches, methods, and techniques used for the implementation and management of an ISMS CONTENT Introduction to Information Security Management System (ISMS) concepts as required by ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management System requirements and Certification Exam

ISO 9001 Foundation eLearning Including Exam [ISO9001F-EL]

OVERVIEW The ISO 9001 Foundation eLearning training course focuses on the concepts of quality and quality management, and provides an overall explanation of ISO 9001 requirements for a quality management system (QMS). ISO 9001 Foundation is a two-day training course, which focuses on the concepts of quality and quality management, and provides an overall explanation of ISO 9001 requirements for a quality management system (QMS). In this training course, you will be acquainted with the various aspects of a QMS based on ISO 9001, such as the role of top management, risks and opportunities, quality policy, processes that shape product and service provision activities, requirements for performance evaluation, and the importance of continual improvement. After completing this course, you will be eligible to take the exam. Upon passing you can apply for the “Certificate Holder in ISO 9001 Foundation” designation. This certificate demonstrates that you have a general knowledge of ISO 9001 requirements for a QMS and enables you to be part of QMS implementation projects. OBJECTIVES Describe the quality management concepts, principles, and definitions Explain the main ISO 9001 requirements for a quality management system Identify potential actions and approaches that organizations can use to achieve conformity to ISO 9001 CONTENT Introduction to quality concepts, QMS, and clauses 4–6 of ISO 9001 Clauses 7–10 of ISO 9001 and certificate exam

ISO 9001 Lead Auditor eLearning Including Exam [ISO9001LA-EL]

OVERVIEW The ISO 9001 Lead Auditor eLearning training course is designed to enable attendants to audit a quality management system (QMS) based on the requirements of ISO 9001. The PECB ISO 9001 Lead Auditor training course enables you to develop the necessary competence to perform quality management system (QMS) audits by applying widely recognized audit principles, procedures, and techniques. This training course combines the requirements of ISO/IEC 17021-1, the recommendations of ISO 19011, and other good practices of auditing and integrates them into a comprehensive methodology which enables you to successfully plan, conduct, and close ISO 9001 conformity assessment audits. Apart from a theoretical basis, the training course also provides examples, exercises, and quizzes to help you practice the most important aspects of conformity assessment audits: interpretation of ISO 9001 requirements in the context of an audit, principles of auditing, application of audit methods, approaches to evidence collection and verification, leading an audit team, drafting nonconformity reports, and preparing the final audit report. After attending the eLearning training course, you can take the exam. If you successfully pass, you can apply for a “PECB Certified ISO 9001 Lead Auditor” credential, which demonstrates your ability and practical knowledge to audit a QMS based on the requirements of ISO 9001.   OBJECTIVES Explain the fundamental concepts and principles of a quality management system (QMS) based on ISO 9001 Interpret the ISO 9001 requirements for a QMS from the perspective of an auditor Evaluate the QMS conformity to ISO 9001 requirements, in accordance with the fundamental audit concepts and principles Plan, conduct, and close an ISO 9001 compliance audit, in accordance with ISO/IEC 17021-1 requirements, ISO 19011 guidelines, and other best practices of auditing Manage an ISO 9001 audit program CONTENT Introduction to the quality management system (QMS) and ISO 9001 Audit principles and the preparation for and initiation of an Audit On-site audit activities Closing of the audit

ISO 9001 Lead Implementer eLearning Including Exam [ISO9001LI-EL]

OVERVIEW The ISO 9001 Lead Implementer eLearning training course is designed to enable attendants to implement a quality management system (QMS) based on the requirements of ISO 9001, as well as the best practices and approaches used for the implementation and subsequent maintenance of a QMS. The PECB ISO 9001 Lead Implementer is a five-day training course that aims to help you develop the competence necessary to establish, implement, operate, maintain, and continually improve a QMS. This training course aims to equip you with in-depth knowledge on ISO 9001 requirements, as well as the best practices and approaches used for the implementation and subsequent maintenance of a QMS. By attending this training course, you can help organizations utilize a structured and evidence-based approach for managing the quality of their products and services. Apart from this, you will also learn about the importance of customer focus and benefits of setting the foundations of an organizational culture which enables and supports quality. After attending the eLearning training course, you can take the corresponding exam. If you successfully pass, you can apply for a “PECB Certified ISO 9001 Lead Implementer” credential, which demonstrates your ability and practical knowledge to implement a QMS based on the requirements of ISO 9001. OBJECTIVES Understand the concepts, approaches, methods, and techniques used for the implementation and the effective management of a QMS based on ISO 9001 Interpret and implement the requirements of ISO 9001 in the specific context of an organization Understand the operation of a QMS and its processes based on ISO 9001 Monitor and continually improve a QMS as per the needs and changes in an organization CONTENT Introduction to ISO 9001 and the initiation of a QMS implementation Implementation plan of a QMS Implementation of a QMS QMS monitoring, continual improvement, and preparation for the certification audit

Configure SIEM security operations using Microsoft Sentinel [M-SC5001]

Nieuwegein (Iepenhoeve 5) ma 3 feb. 2025 en 9 andere data
OVERVIEW Get started with Microsoft Sentinel security operations by configuring the Microsoft Sentinel workspace, connecting Microsoft services and Windows security events to Microsoft Sentinel, configuring Microsoft Sentinel analytics rules, and responding to threats with automated responses. CONTENT Module 1 : Create and manage Microsoft Sentinel workspaces Learn about the architecture of Microsoft Sentinel workspaces to ensure you configure your system to meet your organization's security operations requirements. Introduction Plan for the Microsoft Sentinel workspace Create a Microsoft Sentinel workspace Manage workspaces across tenants using Azure Lighthouse Understand Microsoft Sentinel permissions and roles Manage Microsoft Sentinel settings Configure logs Knowledge check Summary and resources Module 2: Connect Microsoft services to Microsoft Sentinel Learn how to connect Microsoft 365 and Azure service logs to Microsoft Sentinel. Introduction Plan for Microsoft services connectors Connect the Microsoft Office 365 connector Connect the Microsoft Entra connector Connect the Microsoft Entra ID Protection connector Connect the Azure Activity connector Knowledge check Summary and resources Module 3: Connect Windows hosts to Microsoft Sentinel One of the most common logs to collect is Windows security events. Learn how Microsoft Sentinel makes this easy with the Security Events connector. Introduction Plan for Windows hosts security events connector Connect using the Windows Security Events via AMA Connector Connect using the Security Events via Legacy Agent Connector Collect Sysmon event logs Knowledge check Summary and resources Module 4: Threat detection with Microsoft Sentinel analytics In this module, you learned how Microsoft Sentinel Analytics can help the SecOps team identify and stop cyber attacks. Introduction Exercise - Detect threats with Microsoft Sentinel analytics What is Microsoft Sentinel Analytics? Types of analytics rules Create an analytics rule from templates Create an analytics rule from wizard Manage analytics rules Exercise - Detect threats with Microsoft Sentinel analytics Summary Module 5: Automation in Microsoft Sentinel By the end of this module, you'll be able to use automation rules in Microsoft Sentinel to automated incident management. Introduction Understand automation options Create automation rules Knowledge check Summary and resources Module 6: Configure SIEM security operations using Microsoft Sentinel In this module, you learned how to configure SIEM security operations using Microsoft Sentinel. Introduction Exercise - Configure SIEM operations using Microsoft Sentinel Exercise - Install Microsoft Sentinel Content Hub solutions and data connectors Exercise - Configure a data connector Data Collection Rule Exercise - Perform a simulated attack to validate the Analytic and Automation rules Summary
max 16

Train and manage a machine learning model with Azure Machine Learning

Om een machine learning model te trainen met Azure Machine Learning, moet je gegevens beschikbaar maken en de benodigde berekening configureren. Na het trainen van je model en het bijhouden van modelmetrieken met MLflow, kun je besluiten om je model te implementeren naar een online eindpunt voor realtime voorspellingen. Gedurende deze leerweg verken je hoe je jouw Azure Machine Learning-werkruimte opzet, waarna je een machine learning model traint en beheert.
In-company / Maatwerk
max 12