Opleiding: Coaching for Performance


This program is designed to equip managers with essential coaching skills, helping them become more effective leaders and mentors within their teams.
By the end of the program, managers will have a thorough understanding of the coaching process and their role within it, recognizing the positive impact they can have on their colleagues. They will be able to conduct meaningful coaching sessions, fostering open communication, accountability, and empowerment among team members. Additionally, participants will become more self-aware, identifying both strengths and areas for further development. They will also gain valuable insight into team dynamics and learn how to guide their colleagues through challenges by thinking more strategically and collaboratively.
The benefits of this program extend beyond individual development. As managers apply their coaching skills, team members will feel more empowered and independent, fostering a culture of open communication and mutual trust. This shift in dynamic can lead to increased confidence, motivation, and team bonding as individuals take responsibility for their actions and work towards self-selected goals. Moreover, by embracing vulnerability during coaching sessions, teams will experience deeper connections, creating a more cohesive and supportive work environment. Ultimately, the program will lead to a shift in perspectives, allowing both managers and teams to approach challenges with fresh insights and a shared commitment to success.

Target Audience

This course is designed for Heads of Departments and people managers.

Course Overview

Day 1 | What is Coaching All About?
Duration: 4 hours

  • What is Coaching All About? - Overview of coaching, its effectiveness, and its role in leadership and development.
  • Coaching Models - Key frameworks like GROW and Co-Active, with practical techniques.

Day 2 | Understanding People & Their Motivations
Duration: 4 hours

  • Practical Implementation - Applying coaching models to learning styles, goal setting, and feedback.
  • Understanding People & Their Motivations - Exploring beliefs and values to improve performance and applying key motivational theories and techniques.

Day 3 | Effective Feedback and Coaching Techniques
Duration: 4 hours

  • Characteristics of Effective Feedback - Examining the principles, purposes, and barriers of feedback with models for effective delivery.
  • Feedback and Coaching Techniques - Utilizing strategies for positive feedback, Pull vs. Push techniques, and methods for constructive and facilitative feedback.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn the flow of the coaching process.
  • Clearly understand your role as coaching managers and its impact.
  • Effectively conduct impactful basic coaching sessions with your employees.
  • Develop self-awareness regarding their skills and identify areas for further improvement.
  • Empower employees through accountable practices.
  • Gain deeper insights into yourself, your employees, and workplace dynamics through coaching relationships.
  • Coach yourselves and your employees through challenges, facilitating progress towards team goals.
  • Enhance consciousness and intentionality through increased self-awareness.
Vrij van BTW
Aangeboden door
mClub Coaching Ltd
12 dagen
Type product
Aantal deelnemers
Min: 6
Max: 12
Tijden en locaties
wo 16 okt. 2024